Friday, February 20, 2015

Baby, it's COLD outside!!!

E-gads, it's cold!  30 below 0 wind chill this morning where I live.  AND…..I had to go to the store.  The last time I went out was Sunday and we really were getting low on groceries.  Too bad my husband loves to eat.  I actually could get by with pretzels and cheese and crackers for a week or so, but him…..not so much!  BUT, I'm happy to report that I'm back, all warm and cozy again…..and don't tell my hubby that I let my car warm up for 15 minutes before I even left.  lol  Heated seats are WONDERFUL!!!

Not much new this week.  I had been running out of pre-made envelopes for my girlies, so I basically concentrated on those this week.  Made 52 all together, but have about 15 to color and address yet.  After that, I'll be set for a few weeks.  With this sending out of two books each week to 2 girls, the envelopes go really fast……AND the postage is unspeakable!!  Let's suffice to say that the Post Office WILL NOT go broke with me around!!

My friend, Marilyn, from California, sent Toby his own phone so he could call her girl dog, Flossie (who has a matching one in red).  Funny that he carries it all over!  You'd think he was a human the way he won't let it leave his side.  I have to laugh!!  He must have been watching my kids when they visited.

And here are the envelopes I sent out this week:

I read two books this week too, but don't have my list handy so will tell you about them next time.  Other than that, not much is new here.  I hope you all stay warm through this cold weather.  I heard that   Orlando even had temps in the 20s this morning.  Brrrrr…...


  1. too funny, I'm sitting here in sub zero temps eating pretzels and cheese while I read your blog. Stay warm!

  2. Maybe Toby smells Flossie on the phone. Either way, he's quite the modern doggie never seen without his phone at the ready. The envelopes are darling!

  3. Well Brrrrrr!!! Stay safe and warm...wishing you a beautiful and lovely spring! I cannot imagine cold temps like that...and I would have let that car heat up as well! Even here in the Southwest heated seats feel good! Take care! S.

  4. How terrible that hubby likes to eat and you had to endure going to the store. I cannot even imagine cold like that. I am frigid at 42 degrees right now and hope my fingers don't shatter off while typing. Warm Hugs and Sunshine Smiles Dear...
    P.S. Love the photos you shared.


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