Friday, February 27, 2015

Nothin' like being late to the party…..

PINTEREST…….need I say more?  Hello!!!  Although I was asked several times if I ever wanted to join Pinterest, I always thought it was too much trouble, or took too long to find stuff to pin.  Besides, I was too busy to constantly have my head in a screen…..OR SO I THOUGHT!  Can you guess what I've been doing all week?  I know you're ALL smiling because you've already "been there" and are laughing because you KNOW how addicting Pinterest can be.  Right?  Hey, admit it!  You know I'm right!  I must admit, as a self confessed idiot computer person, I am having a bit of trouble finding stuff (especially my friends) on Pinterest, I still have wasted probably 3 full days this week.  NO LIE!  Needless to say, I haven't got much to show/tell you.  Come see my boards though….Carol Turznik.

Here are the envelopes for the week.  (And, I'm pissed because the post office lost two of the same book that I sent to both girls last Saturday.  Each book cost me $5.99 plus $3.00 postage……ugh!  Now, I'm afraid to send another one in that same series although I have sent others successfully in the past.  Oh my, what to do?  They both love the "Mr. Putter and Tabby" series so much!

And, here are the books I've read the last half of February:

DEPT. OF SPECULATION                            by                  Jenny Offill
PRECIOUS THING (debut)                             by                  Colette McBeth
DESCENT                                                     by                  Tim Johnston
THE ROSIE EFFECT                                     by                  Graeme Simsion
THE DEEP END  (debut)                                by                  Julie Mulhern

You might have heard of "The Rosie Project" from a few years back.  It was a great book!  Do not get the sequel "The Rosie Effect".  It took me 5 days to plow thorough it and I wouldn't have finished it except that I won it from Goodreads and had to give a review on it.  Ugh!  Too long and boring.  Too bad too, because the first book was great! I'm almost done with the last one book on that list and quite honestly, although a debut, I am liking it best of the bunch.  So….happy reading!  I'm going to try to stay off Pinterest and concentrate on my pile of books here to read.  Wish me luck!  (Oh, and if you want, I'd love your names for your Pinterest boards so I can peek at what you have.  Thanks!)


  1. Oh my, Goodreads and Pinterest are my addictions too (amongst many others). I have weaned myself off Goodreads, at least getting their free books because I am so bad at reading and reviewing the books in any timely manner. Pinterest, on the other hand, I could spend all day on it.

  2. Oh no, I'm resisting the urge to join Pinterest! Most of what is on there eventually shows up in my FB feed. Sorry about the Lost Books in the mail. Hope they show up soon!!! Jennifer Chiaverini has a new book coming on Tuesday. I'm excited to read it on one of my Trips this coming month.

  3. I love Pinterest! I think everyone spends more time there than they want to admit at first. But, like most things, we eventually scale back to a reasonable amount of time. (Yesterday I found out how to remove a weird refrigerator shelf on Pinterest!). See my Pinterest @VickiFreeman. Love your blog!

  4. I ran right off and followed a bunch of your boards. I'm Ellyn Zinsmeister on pinterest.... and I admit to being a total addict as you'll see.

  5. I hope you enjoyed The Deep End!

    The book has a Pinterest page -

    Thanks for taking a chance on a debut author!

  6. I love Pinterest for a place to keep tutorials. I probably have close to 10 different types of tutorial boards! I think I'm Maria Johnson over there ... I will make sure tomorrow and send you a flickr mail if it's something different. I try (oh how I try!) not to look at what other people pin so much. There are only so many hours a day!, lol

  7. Sad to hear two books have been lost on their travels!I try to avoid pinterest as I lose too much time!

  8. On Pinterest I just see what's new for the day and I'm done. But I just follow the arts I like and not other people's likes, so it doesn't really suck the life out of my day. Such a bummer about the books. They may yet show up. The envelopes are so cute. So explain all the hype about a debut book. Is that important to know?

  9. Hi, yes I discovered Pinterest and love it, that's how I found you on Flickr and have been going through your albums admiring all your lovely artistic talent! I have just started machine sewing again after a long break and trying out free motion sewing around leaves, stems etc on a tea cosy and a mug rug! So thanks for showing all your brilliant talent and giving me inspiration to try more. Keep up the awesome work!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!