Saturday, March 7, 2015

Turn your clocks ahead tonight….

I LOVE daylight savings time!!  I live for it!  Here in Wisconsin, even the days seem warmer when it's lighter outside earlier in the evening.  I kid you not!  You'll laugh, but I never change my clock in my car.  It's ALWAYS on daylight savings time!  Always!  My husband thinks I'm crazy…..BUT, it's my car and I like it that way.  I might have to think a bit differently during the few months we're in the dark (so to speak), but it all works out!  And yeah….tonight we change!!  I'm a happy girl!

Not much new.  I did a 8 1/2 inch appliquéd block for a joint sympathy quilt that a bunch of us are doing for a Flickr friend who lost her mother this week, sent out a few envelopes (below) to my girlies, and read a few books.  Also had to call the dishwasher repair guy and think of a few other repair people I need to get here for stuff.  Ugh!  Now I know why old people's houses get run down……too much bother and who wants strangers in the house all the time?  Much easier just to live day to day and pretend everything is okay!!!  (E-gads, do I sound old or what??)  Actually, I did have a birthday this week, so perhaps that's the reason, who knows??  

Anyway, here are the envelopes that I sent out this week:

Naturally, my little granddaughter, Arwen, got an identical one to that bottom one with her name on it too.

I read some good books this week……probably the best one so far in 2015.  Yeah!!  Last year I read "A Fall of Marigolds" by Susan Meissner and loved it.  It's on my all time favorites list so when I discovered that the author released another book this year, I was dying to read it and it did not disappoint me.  Do yourself a favor and read, "Secrets of a Charmed Life"……another winner!  These both are historical fiction just so you know, and are in soft cover.

March books so far:

THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN (debut and good)        by        Paula Hawkins
SECRETS OF A CHARMED LIFE (xxxxx)           by        Susan Meissner
FORTUNATELY THE MILK (kids book)               by        Neil Gaiman
                                     HENNESSEY               by         Rachel Joyce

And that's it!  Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead and enjoy the extra sunshine.  Until next week...


  1. Well Happy Birthday Carol! Wishing you a wonderful year! Here in AZ...a weird little state, we never change time. It is always daylight savings time...and we like it that way. The time change thing is so outdated and unnecessary in my humble opinion.
    This week I am finishing a lap quilt and have one more to do. Guess what...I really hate quilting, but love the finished product. If I did more lap quilts and larger I believe I would rent time on a big quilting machine at a quilt store...there are a few of those around. I really dislike trying this at home!!! I love small projects for sure! Have a lovely week and I hope spring finds you soon! Sue.

  2. Happy Birthday...belated...however you should celebrate every day until you begin celebrating your next birthday. Love the envelopes as always.
    I too love longer daylight!!!

  3. YES, you're talking like an old lady. Knock that shit off! I don't really care what time it is, but I do like longer warmer days. The envelopes are so adorable! Especially the snowmen with their names.

  4. Happy birthday week to you!! Hope you have a great one. Love the envelopes as always! We are coming off day light saving soon, evenings will draw in, the air will be cooler, not like yours of course!!!


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