Friday, March 13, 2015

Who'd ever guess???

E-gads, who'd ever guess that we'd get 67 degree temps here in Wisconsin on March 13th??  I can't remember that ever happening, although I haven't heard (yet) if it's a record, so who knows?  I am enjoying this break from our single digits though, I must admit!  The snow is almost all gone too, if you can believe?  From what I understand, we'll have a few more days of above normal temps and then it'll go back to the normal low 40's where it belongs this time of year.

I sewed this week……amazingly enough and I'll show you at the end of the month.  It's just a small swap quilt, so no big deal….(although I do like it.)

Here are the envelopes I sent this week (and thankfully, my little niece finally got the book I mailed out last Saturday).  Lord knows what's up with her post office though.  She still didn't get the one I mailed Wednesday and she lives only about 35 minutes away from me.  I suppose I should be happy she's getting them at all, huh?

And, of course, I read a few books this week.  (I should be out looking for new carpeting for our house though, but that's another story.)

THE LOST EMPRESS                                by                       Steve Robinson
THE GOOD GIRL  (debut)   xxxxx                by                       Mary Kubica
MOSQUITOLAND (debut)                            by                       David Arnold

(Ever wonder why so many authors have simple names?  Me too!!)  Anyway, #2 was good, good, good!  I could hardly put it down.  Check it out on Amazon (I think it was just released in soft cover) or Goodreads to read the reviews.  I got my copy from the library.  Seriously, I could hardly put it down and finished it in 6 hours flat.

So, happy reading, or sewing, or whatever fills your heart with joy!  Have a great week, my friends!


  1. Love, love, love the postcards. You must read very fast. That's a lot of books.

  2. We're hittin' the top of the 70s temps these days, so there's more good weather to come your way! Fun envelopes. The strangely shaped heads are cracking me up. Happy reading!

  3. I love that you are giving book recommendations. I have read many a good book because of you. Thank you for giving your opinion. I do not have a lot of time for reading and your reports help me in choosing what to read. Of course, I also think your artistry is amazing.

  4. Another beautiful envelope collection...the post office always amazes me....I send 2 things together to NZ, sometimes they arrive together sometimes they are a week apart! I wonder what they do sometimes! ! Will follow up on your book recommendations.

  5. Everyone's weather is the new crazy normal I am thinking. Super fun envelopes. Mail delivery is never predictable...kind of like the weather. My Garden Fairies ATCs for a swap (ArtJoyStuff blog) are missing in the mail and that makes me very sad. Enjoy your Spring...


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