Friday, March 20, 2015

Short and sweet…….

Not much going on this week creatively.  I suppose that happens to everyone now and again when life gets in the way with other situations.  Here are the envelopes I sent out this week to my sweeties:

And, naturally, I did get a few books read.  Actually, I read 1/2 half of another one too, but I'll tell you about that one next week.  Rarely do I read two books at once, but these were fiction and non-fiction (sort of) so it made it easier.  Incidentally, thanks for the "heads up" that you enjoy my small review of books every week.  I try my best!  Be assured that I completely investigate everything I read first for story content, and (hopefully) others reviews before I even pick up a book.  I, like you, don't want to waste my time reading unless I think it might be good either.

THE BOOKSELLER  (debut)                by                  Cynthia Swanson
DAMAGE CONTROL                          by                   Robert Dugoni

"The Bookseller" was good, but had a very different concept than anything I've ever read before.  When I finished, I think I was just as confused as the main character.  You can read my review on  The other one, "Damage Control" was by an author I discovered last year and have almost finished reading everything he has written except for one.  This was probably the worse of the lot, but I whipped through it in no time anyway.

So, that's it.  Enjoy your week!  And send the sun and warm temps back here please.  We're back to normal which is in the low 40s.  Brrrrrrr!

1 comment:

  1. The envelopes are total adorable and I'm sure bring smiles all along their travel to your girls. For me, books are like movies. One person will love the movie, the next will hate it. I read a book based on the short snippet of what it's about...regardless of what someone else thought of it. Even then, sometimes the snippet sounds good while the book itself turns out to be a bit of a let-down. But that's rare. Based on your comment, I will have to look into The Bookseller. I like stories of a different nature.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!