Monday, December 14, 2015

It's been an interesting few weeks....

Well, guess who just got out of the hospital last Friday?  Remember I was telling you that my back went "out"?  Well, apparently it went out more than I thought.  By a week ago Sunday I was only able to walk with a walker (thanks to the inheritance of dead relatives).  My daughter suggested that I contact a chiropractor, so on Monday I called a guy my husband used a few years ago and made two appointments.  One for Monday afternoon and one for Tuesday afternoon.  My husband had to drive me.  By the time the second one was over, I thought I was going to die from pain, so called my "real" doctor upon getting home and made an appointment for 6:45 that night.  He put me directly in the hospital to control the pain and hopefully get to the bottom of things.  I was immediately put on IV painkillers and oxygen because my levels were so low and had an MRI scheduled for the next day...(Wednesday).  My doctor told me on Wednesday morning (yes, he still does hospital visits...rare these days, I understand), that we'd see what happens there before going on.  Wednesday evening the back surgeon for the whole hospital comes in to see me, tells me there is no bulging disk, or pinched nerve and that he wished more 69 year old ladies would have the spines I have.  (Wonderful!!!  I thought that was going to be the answer).  My doctor immediately ordered a chest x-ray because my oxygen levels were playing such tricks.........(even though I have had COPD for the past 10 years, I've not needed oxygen until that point, and not especially since I lost over 45 lbs. since April 6th.)  He thought maybe a tumor developed and was moving......but, NO!  The next day I had an ultrasound to check for artery disease, but nothing conclusive came from that either, but it still might be the answer, who knows?  My fanny is completely numb, my legs hurt, my feet are swollen and I came home with oxygen, and painkillers....UGH!  I DO have physical therapy first appointment is Friday, and was told NOT to go back to the chiropractor.  In the meantime, my doctor will give me an ECHO and EKG tomorrow because it could be my heart............holy cow!  I guess time will tell, but what a crummy time of year to have this happen.  Thankfully, my cookies are all baked and sorted, my house is decorated, the presents have all been wrapped, and I am now in a stupor trying to teach my husband to grocery shop and cook on a gas stove.......double ugh!

Anyway, that's my news of woe!  I did send out these envelopes to my sweet niece:

The 12 different kinds of cookies for 2015:

And, (up until last Monday night) the socks I have finished:

Those red ones are for ME!  All the gift socks have been made.....thank God!

So, that's my news.......Not fun by any stretch of the imagination, believe me!  I can't use a little portable oxygen tank yet because of the amount of "air" I need when moving around......and those big ones are close to 50 lbs.  Try puling one of those while walking with a walker and trying not to trip on the's almost laughable, believe me!

I sure hope your past few weeks have been better than mine.  One of these days, I hope to knit again, which is more than my neighbor can say.  She is my knitting buddy, but fell on Friday and broke her wrist!  On top of that her blood pressure is off the charts......always something, I guess, huh?


  1. Oh no! Saying a prayer that you get answers and relief SOON!

  2. So sorry! Sometimes the Universe gives a hard nudge when you don't slow down and take care of yourself to force you to listen . . . hope the doctors figure it all out and fix it soon! :)

  3. So sorry to hear of your pain woes. I will be praying for you. I hope you find answers soon.

  4. Best wishes for good news and a speedy recovery. I LOVE your socks.

  5. So sorry to hear what is happening to you!! I hope the Dr comes up with an answer very soon for you and you can get back to knitting socks!! Look after yourself and take it easy for a while.

  6. No fun to spend time in the "Expensive Hotel". I hope they get to the cause of your pain soon. Hope your family appreciates how you planned ahead and are ready for Christmas. Have a Merry one. Mary C from Washington State

  7. Carol! Holy Cow!!! Man, you have been through it! Oh, I do hope you find what is going on and it can be "fixed" like right now! Sending prayers and my very best wishes!!! Some hugs too! Sue.

  8. Oh, no! Sending you wishes for a speedy recovery!

  9. Here I was hoping you could knit until that last paragraph ;( Hope you can one of these days. Take care and get lots of rest. So happy that you are pretty much ready for the holidays. You and your neighbor are in my prayers. Oh, the socks are great! ~Jeanne

  10. OMGosh - poor you! I do hope you are getting better day by day and that you get answers for your problems - what a drag - thanks goodness for knitting & drawing to help keep you amused and sane.
    (gentle) Hugs

  11. Carol, I'm so sorry to hear that you've been in such pain. I hope the pt will help get you back on track so you can enjoy life the way you usually do! Prayers to you.

  12. It's scary when they can't find out what is wrong with you. Hope your tests find something that can be treated quickly!! Merry Christmas anyway.

  13. Oh no! I hope whatever is causing your pain is either remedied or at least controlled in time fir the holidays. Rest up and let others take care of you. Hope your hubby can cook!

  14. I hope you feel better soon and they find out what's causing your problems!
    Hoe you have a pain free Christmas and a great 2016.

  15. Yikes, I sure hope you are starting to feel better and if not that you will soon.

  16. wow, what a time you are having! hopefully the prognosis will be something that can be easily and quickly fixed. Hope you feel better soon.

  17. Well shoot, I hope things improve for you soon! It's certainly no fun having health issues weighing us down. Get well soon and Merry Christmas :)

  18. I was worried when we didn't hear from you in several weeks. I hope they get to the bottom of what causing the pain and you are on the mend quickly. Wishing you and your family a wonderful "pain free" Christmas!

  19. I so love hearing of your crafting adventures. I also love your book recommendations. I am sorry to hear of your health woes. You and your neighbor are in my prayers. I hope you have a merry Christmas.

  20. Oh no, awful! I am so sorry to hear about this set back.
    Praying you fully recover & do it quickly, so you can get back to your usual activities.

    Maybe you could use a rollator type of walker that has a basket on it, to help carry that tank. Here is a link:

    I will call you soon but try to have a Merry Christmas! Let everybody else take care of it...Delegate!!!

  21. hope you feel better now! kisses and best wishes for you


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