Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hopefully this is the week for answers

I'm really lax in this blogging stuff lately!  Probably because I don't really go anywhere other than the doctor and/or Physical therapy (neither of which is really doing anything for me).  Monday hopefully will tell the tale.  I have 3 tests ECHO, an EMG and a EKG with two follow-up appointments with specialists, for the following week.  As of now, I'm still hobbling around with a walker dragging my oxygen tubing.  There is only one good thing coming from husband is learning how to cook.  I even had him making a meatloaf the other day (if you can believe).  I figure he would start with something he liked to eat.  lol

Thought you might like to see our Christmas card for this year........we actually took this picture of our Toby last Christmas and saved it all this time.  We tried doing it again this year, but after about 48 pictures, we gave up......either they were blurry, or he was looking the wrong way.  It's kind of like taking pictures of kids.....the good shots are few and far between!

And then here is an envelope I sent to my sweet niece......I have only a few to go and all my books for her will be gone.  She's so advanced that the books are getting too fat to send through the mail.

And here are some pictures of our holiday decorations:

So, 2015 bites the dust!  If/when I get back in shape, I can start being creative again.....I so miss it!  Happy and healthy 2016 to all of you!


  1. Happy New Year Carol, and I sure hope that you get some good answers and feel better soon.

  2. wishing you health and happiness in the new year with a lot of new pens to draw many envelopes. Take care.

  3. Sending prayers and hugs as you undergo those future tests. Your envelope is adorable. What a great thing you did to send all those books with those special envelopes!

  4. praying for answers and solutions. Hugs to you and happy new year

  5. Carol Dear I am so sorry for your pain and health issues. I have just read your previous post to fill in my missing info. I shall pray you get some good test results and pain relief. I do know back and leg pain and it is exhausting. Healing Energy and may 2016 be amazing for you and your loved ones.

  6. Love the Christmas card photo. I know exactly what you mean about taking photos of children. I usually get their backs as they walk away or something blurry as they move. I hope all goes well with the tests.

  7. Hopefully these new tests will sort things out for you the photo of your dog...I tried to do our dog too but had the same, back of head, side of head, top of head, blurry head!!! Even the cheese I was using as a bribe failed!!! Love your Xmas man with the red hat!! Good luck with the tests!!

  8. and a healthy and happy new year for you too!!

  9. You have been in my prayers all of 2015 and I will continue them in 2016. I pray that this new year will be filled with peace, joy, and happiness. Love, Karen

  10. Happy New Year - hope you will be back on your feet and creating lovely things very soon.

  11. I hope this year will bring answers and better health for you! I don't get a lot done either due to health stuff, so I feel for you. Toby is a cutie :) Best wishes to you!

  12. Popping by to see how you're doing. I hope today's tests will have some answers & solutions for you, so you can get back to your usual warp speed.
    Loved Toby in his Santa hat...such a cute poochie!
    Your decorations are lovely, too. Lots of bright light in your house.

  13. I hope the New Year finds us both feeling better my dear. I had ONE Christmas decoration. A light up weiner dog. That was it. Not even a tree this year for the first time in 26 years of marriage. My health too took a turn for the dumps. I hope we are both doing a dance this year and stitching up a storm.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!