Saturday, January 16, 2016

I'm not having fun yet

This past Christmas, my daughter gave me a gift certificate of a monthly bunch of tulips.  I love tulips!  They're so springy and fresh looking and pink are usually my favorite .  I had to show you the first bunch!  

I haven't been doing so well lately.  No one, so far, has gotten to the bottom of my ailments.  And let me tell you, after 3 MRI's, 1 ECHO, 1 EMG, 1 Ultra Sound, 2 Chest X-RAYS, numerous PT appointments, 1 bottle of painkillers, and 1 Pulmonary function Test to go on Thursday, I am not a happy girl.  I can hardly balance on either leg, even with a walker and I am bored out of my mind!  Sitting on a chair, or couch for any more than an hour at a time is close to impossible and the only time I feel any relief at all is right after I pop two painkillers and am ready to crawl into bed for the night.   I am beside myself.

I started two pair of socks since this whole mess happened, but it's not only hard to sit for any period of time to concentrate, but also to stay focused on the pattern itself.  I can't even count how many mistakes I've already made.

I bought some more yarn thinking I could start another pair, but I seen to be screwing that one up too.  I seem to be losing it all over!

That's the news with me.  Not fun!  I go through my Flickr account, looking at stuff I made a few years ago and can hardly believe I made all that stuff.  I am much a bum now!

Anyway, I wanted you to know that I'm still alive and will let you know what the scoop is once I know.  I truly wish that you all are well!  Until I know something.......


  1. I'm so sorry. I wish they would come up with an answer for you

  2. I am so sorry you are suffering still. I have been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. This last week I had my Transforaminal Injections on L2/3 and L3/4 in my lower back. These are for diagnostic purposes to see if I am a candidate for surgery to restore my leg functionality. Our health is worth gold. May you find answers and relief very soon dear. Healing Energy...

  3. So sorry to hear this! I hope you get some answers soon.

  4. I hope you get some relief and answers soon.

  5. Oh my goodness I can feel your frustration. I do hope an answer is found soon! ((gentle hugs))

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I hope that the doctors figure out what's going on. It is absolutely terrible to not feel good and have no good reasons why. I hope you feel better soon!

  8. Thanks for keeping us updated. Good luck with your test results!

  9. I'm sending you many good wishes, I sure hope you get this sorted soon as it sounds pretty miserable!

  10. I'm so sorry you are having such a struggle -- hoping they find some answers soon so you can put these challenges behind you! The tulips are lovely, what a thoughtful gift and I know they help to lift your spirits! Hang in there --

  11. I hope the medical people can sort something out for you fun being in pain and not being able to do what you love!!! The tulips are beautiful and should bring you joy every month. Hang in there.

  12. Dear Carol, I am so sorry to hear that you are still in pain, and what seems worse is the fact that the cause is still not found. Let's hope your next visit with the medical team will give you the answers and them the knowledge to cure it Hugs X X

  13. Carol, I'm so sorry to hear you're still feeling lousy. I hope the test they do on Thursday will get you some answers and some relief! I'm holding you in my heart just now, thinking of hugs and positive vibes I'm sending your way. ( )

  14. Poor you...I can hear hoe bad you feel.
    Hang in there....there must be an answer and I hope they work it out soon.
    Hugs....cyberly anyway.

  15. Thanks for letting us know how you are doing. I hope you get some answers and relief very soon!

  16. You hang in there and know that we are all sending you good wishes for a speedy recovery!

  17. so sorry you are having so much trouble. It must be terribly frustrating, not only the pain and not knowing what is going on but also not feeling like doing your normal activities! Hope you get some relief soon

  18. Carol, thanks for the update. I' sorry to hear that things are not so good right now. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hope they come up with an answer soon. Hugs . . .

  19. Carol,
    Have they considered Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? I have had it since 1986 after a bout of Mono. From that point on I have not been the same. It affected my autoimmune system. I don't know your symptoms so this may be totally out in left field but I thought it worth mentioning.

    My younger by 7 yrs. sister began having symptoms but mostly with severe fatigue and not being able to fight any kind of virus. Mine started out with all over pain and aching much like how you feel when you are coming down with the flu. Sarah wasn't getting answers so she had to retire and found a specialist in Charlotte NC who specializes in this syndrome. They call it the "forgotten plague".

    Last night, Sarah sent me a video that you should see. It may or may not give you some answers. if you are on FB I can send it to you quite easily but if not I can email it as an attachment once I figure out how to do that from FB. I had to finally retire in 2008 from teaching because I just could not do an entire day in the classroom anymore.

    The medical community is now taking this disease seriously rather than telling folks it's all in their head. In fact, the son of a Nobel Peace Prize winner for mapping the genomes has this disease and the father has dedicated his entire life to now searching for the reason and cure for this disease.

    Let me know your name on FB and do a friend request or send me an email address.
    Hope you find some answers and get back some of your creative mojo. You may want to do some Internet research to see if any of your symptoms match up.
    Gmama Jane
    Jane Hillis


  20. Ahh Sweet Carol. I am sorry for your health ailment. I hope you get an answer and solution ASAP! ASAP!! Wishing you the very best! Hugs from Arizona...Sue.

  21. Thinking of you........I wish you all the best and hope it all gets sorted out.

  22. $hit...I was hoping things were improving for you! I pray that someone can find some answers soon.

    Love the tulips & the idea of a monthly gift like that. Nice idea from a very thoughtful daughter!

  23. Le deseo una rápida y buena recuperación, me encanta todo lo que ha cosido y sus dibujos.

  24. I pray that you are getting well. I am so sorry that you have been ill. I have always been jealous of your abundant energy and talent. I pray health returns to you soon and you and you return to us.

  25. I hope you are on the mend - I sure do miss you!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!