Wednesday, March 9, 2016

No change.......bummer!

I wish I could give you some positive news, but that will have to wait for another day, if ever.  I am going to a Cardiologist on Friday, so maybe he will have some answers, although no one thinks this is a heart issue except for my legs and feet being swollen all the time.  Thanks for all your input.  You have no idea how comforting your comments were and how much I learned from some of your own ailments.  I had no idea how many of you have issues that are mysteries.  Seems to me that years ago, doctors were a bit brighter!  

How do you like my birthday orchid?  Now, if I can keep it alive, it'll be a miracle.  My daughter walked in with it on Sunday and I was blown away.  

And this was a few weeks ago when I needed to address and stamp envelopes plus stuff the envelopes.  Too bad my granddaughter doesn't like chapter books yet.  Of course, sometimes I think she's a little snot anyway because her mother doesn't even encourage can tell who runs that household!!

And here is the basket that my friend made for me.  My yarn looks perfect in it on the dining room table.

I did finish a pair of socks (finally).  It's just a plain pair, but I needed to get in the grove first.  It's been months since I've knit.

And, of course, I did send out some envelopes, although who knows if my granddaughter even got them?  Not much gratitude in that family, unfortunately!

And last but not least, here is a picture of my husband with my friend's 7 week old litter of 5 Havenese puppies.  She came over Monday for a nice visit.  I think my husband would have kept all 5 if I would have given the word.  Toby wasn't too happy.  He sat on my friend's lap the whole time she was here.

So, until next time, I hope you are all doing well and having some fun.  I continue to visit doctors and have therapists come in the house. Yippee!  Hey, at least I can knit again.  That's a plus!


  1. Oh, Carol. I hope you get some answers and start feeling better soon. The orchid is lovely and the puppies are just too cute.

  2. My husband always says, "It is the PRACTICE of medicine." And he does not think doctors know it all. I am so sorry to hear you are still in limbo of getting well. Prayers and Healing Energy are with you every day dear. Lovely socks you knitted. I adore your fabric basket with the luscious yarn filling it. Your envelopes are always a big smile on my face! Beautiful Orchid and Belated Happy Birthday. Those puppies are pretty cute. May you find a resolve to your medical mystery very soon...

  3. Oh dear!!! I hope you get some answers soon and can get back to normal. Love the socks you have made...great you are knitting again...the orchid is beautiful!! We all in blog land love your envelopes and are always happy to see what is sent out. The puppies are very cute.

  4. Hello Dear Carol! It is good to see/hear from you. You are missed and sent prayers and best wishes for answers and good results! I am glad you are able to knit is such a wonderful thing to do! Blessings....Sue.

  5. Yikes, your tone relative to sending the books seems off! I would feel a bit blistered by reading it if I was your family member! Hope you get medical answers in the near future.

  6. yesterday i received a thank you from my nephew ... in my mailbox ... the REAL mailbox - the one with the red metal flag ... and it was so awesome to be able to hold a piece of paper with his writing on it, telling me that he appreciated what i sent for his Little Guy ... sometimes i think that the art of gratitude has been lost (and it's not just the younglings who seem to have forgotten that we do what we do for them with love in our hearts, but sometimes needing a little bit of Validation in return)...

    those puppies are just too doggone cute ... and happy (belated) birthday!

  7. Good to see that you are able to manage a bit of drawing and knitting.. Have all my fingers crossed for you...just been going on for so long...sending you cyber hugs.

  8. It is so hard to be ill, especially when you have no idea what is wrong and if the end is in sight. I remember when giving birth, right when you think that you can't go on and that your pain will never end, you are actually in transition meaning birth and joy are coming soon. Praying that you will soon find answers so your true loving personality will be able to once again shine. You are such a selfless giver. Thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us.

  9. Hopefully by now you have answers and better news. The puppies are adorable and such cheerful little beasts, that had to help -- and the orchid is stunning! Your 'plain' socks are amazing -- I am so impressed with your skills! :)

  10. What a beautiful birthday gift! I used to have lots of orchids out in our lanai in FL. It is a lot harder to keep them up here. Needs LOTS of diffuse sunlight but your kitchen windows should provide that easily.
    I'm sorry to read you're not getting any better! I hope the Friday appointment might have shed some light on the problems. Still praying for you, Hon.

  11. So sorry to hear the medical mystery continues. Perhaps knitting those beautiful socks and making those gorgeous cards will help keep you focused on your creativity while the doctors do their work. Love seeing your table with your art supplies. You must have every colour in the rainbow and then some! Take care.

  12. Thinking of you and hoping for answers and comfort.
    Thanks for sharing

  13. I'm so sorry to hear nothing has been identified about your mysteries!! I have no advice or brilliant ideas but I will certainly keep you in my prayers!

    I really enjoy your posts and seeing what wonderful things you create and draw. I'm always in awe of people like you who have such artistic talent. Love the basket your friend made too! Does she have a pattern?

  14. Hope you found out something at the cardiologist. The not knowing part is hard. My husband had some tests and now has to see a specialist. Can't get in for over 6 weeks. Just sit here and wonder what is happening and what will happen. Prayers for some answers for you and that you feel better soon. Love the socks, orchid and of course, the puppies.

  15. Carol,
    Sending prayers and positive thoughts on a resolution for your medical condition. You are such a giving person and your blog is such joy to visit. I do love all your artwork. Your Havie, Toby is darling. I adore the Havie puppies, too. I have a Havanese, Maggie. Happy little pups.
    Take care and Keep us updated on your condition.

  16. Thinking of you and thought I'd pop in to see if there was any good news! Hope you are feeling better. Thoughts of you remain close to my heart. Do you have anymore ColorPlay patterns left? I know it's been 5 years now, but one can hope. Happy Spring, dear!


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!