Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Not much has changed

Bet you thought I died, huh?  Nope!  Not yet, although I think that every time I go to a new doctor, things get worse.  The last time I wrote, I was going to see a cardiologist because of my leg swelling....and, because of an ECHO test I had in January.  Apparently there was an issue that needed addressing, but my family doctor told me it wasn't "dire" so no need to worry..........????  Not so much!  I had a cardiac catheterization last Thursday and they discovered that I need a new heart valve within 18 months.  Isn't that just ducky?  That's open heart surgery, my friends.......I didn't know that at first and now, that's all I can think about.  Financially, I should have it done this year since we've already met our maximum insurance "out of pocket" expenses, but I have something else in the works and hate to be laid up again if this new situation works.

This past February, my neurologist suggested I see another specialist that deals with nerve/muscle issues only.  We called her, but couldn't get until August.  They suggested we see her associate, so we made an appointment with him and it was last week.  He did the normal nerve tests in the office and afterwards asked if anyone ever suggested steroids.  Apparently, they give you infusion steroids for 3-5 days and then once a week for two months and you improve.  This guy claims that once I start, I should be walking in a week and a half.  He thinks I have an autoimmune disease where my body is just full of inflammation.  Who knew??  Anyway, he was going on spring break with his family and will return April 7th and I have already done all the tests I needed prior to the steroid treatments, so I will let you know.  At least it's some "HOPE" for now.  I cried when I left the office I was so happy.  Keep your fingers crossed!  Please??

In the meantime, I need to show you two things.  First, the sticky buns I made for my family for Easter:

And then, the socks I have been knitting forever.  I really should get going on them, I suppose.

So, that's the news with me.  Hope all of you are well, or getting better.  These mystery illnesses are no fun and from what I've been reading from some of you, you aren't having a ball with life either.  I wish you well.  I swear that IF I ever get back to normal again, I never will take the small stuff for granted ever again!  Just driving my car again would be a joy, or getting in my 6 ft. bathtub, or even walking to the mailbox.  For those of you who can do all of those things - - - you are blessed!!  Think about it!!

So, until next time.  Be well and appreciate God's gifts.


  1. I hope this is the answer, Carol, so you can get back to being YOU again.

  2. One day at a time, sweet lady, and you'll get through this! Fingers crossed for you! XO

  3. Oh Carol! So sorry you are going to need this major surgery. Looking to the future and much improved health should brighten things up a bit. Sure hope this regime from new neurologist will be 100% successful. Love the socks you are knitting. Looks like they are on tiny circular needles. Do you use 2 circular needles to knit socks? I've only used DPNs.

  4. Glad to hear from you and I hope that you are close to an answer. My mother (now 96) was just diagnosed with an auto immune issue after many misdiagnoses. It is not fun. Steroids helped her quickly!
    I hope they work for you too!

  5. Hello Dear is good to see you here! I miss your updates, but sure understand. And Finally....some help and some hope! I wish you the very best and say prayers for you as well.

    Today, I will not complain about the little things that have been aching and bothering me lately...Life it good!

    Wishing you good health and a happy spring! Hugs...Sue.

  6. Praying that you have found an answer. It is amazing what little things we take for granted. Almost five years ago, after being a complete invalid for weeks, I was learning to walk again and wondered if I'd ever be able to walk to the mailbox - I can and I can hike too! I haven't been in a bathtub for over 5 years but I can live with that - showers are good. I know where you are coming from. Take one day at a time and hopefully all will turn out well. You continue to be in my prayers. ~Jeanne

  7. praying this treatment is successful for you my friend. so frustrating

  8. Hoping things start looking better soon! At least you now have a plan of action.

  9. I am sorry you have been so unwell!!! Get well soon!!

    . I knit a lot of socks on double pointed needles and I was wondering what you are knitting yours on? It looks like a small version of a circular needle. I have not seen these in the Land Down Under.

    Maryanne from Australia

  10. I truly hope the answers you're finding will give you back your life. Your ending words are so incredibly true. When we hit these major road blocks in our health, it makes us appreciate every single simple function in life. I totally understand your words and practically beg my kids to eat well and take care of themselves. When we lose our health, we lose so very much. Things people take for granted daily. Wishing you the best, hugs!

  11. Fingers crossed and crossed and crossed! :)

  12. I have everything crossed for you!! I hope this new treatment works! Isn't it amazing how we put our faith in Dr's doing the right thing by us and they all have different opinions!! I have learned to enjoy and appreciate each and every day.

  13. I shall keep you in my Prayers and hope that come April 7th you will begin to return to your former self and enjoy life once again. You have certainly been on a massive roller coaster and I hope you will be walking on solid ground very soon. Healing Energy Hugs Dear...

  14. Oh Carol I do. Hope that you now have some answers, I think half the battle is getting a diagnosis, then you can deal with it, but the unknown is just a 'bummer' . Hope all goes well with you and your running around in no time X X

  15. Carol, this does at least sound encouraging...hang in there...we all wnat you abck to your normal creative self.

  16. A big hug from me, my sweet friend, fingers crossed and prayers for you. Get well soon!

  17. Well, by now you have started the steriods. Hope you are tolerating them well. My husband has a shot in his shoulder a couple times a year and it works wonders for him. Hope yours do the same. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you. You are so right about taking our health for granted. Live each day to the fullest.


Hello dear ones, I just love to see your comments, each one brings me pure JOY!