Instead of titling this post "Untitled 2012" I think I maybe should have called it, "Wow, oh Wow" all over again. Seriously friends, I was not only blown away about the art teacher using my quilt as inspiration for his students on my last blog post, but also I was overwhelmed at ALL of the awesome comments you wrote to me about the inspiration that I give to you! Wow.....oh WOW!! Your comments were the frosting on the cake, believe me!! I am truly blessed to have the BEST readers in the web! Thank you ever, ever so much! (Although I really don't think you will be inspired by today's post, so perhaps you might want to leave now......I had good intentions and I really was excited to make this, but alas, it didn't exactly turn out like I envisioned.......although I really don't know what I expected.) Just a warning, in case you wonder what happened to me. lol
I got this idea from someone's Pinterest board showing a ceramic vase. I thought it was cool, so got out my trusty wire notebook and sketched a picture. I think I showed you awhile back:
Needless to say, I had to transfer this to a working pattern since most of my stuff is done from scale. This is what became of it:
I knew I didn't want to just do it on one solid because I thought it needed more depth, so I sandwiched a white with white quilt sandwich and quilted the whole thing with 1/4 inch lines. That was to be my base. You'll note on the pattern, that I "X"ed out the windows that I wanted to make white and noted the part that I wanted to cut out. The other windows would remain the same color as the base color I choose. I wasn't sure at this point if it would be grey or light tan since I bought both colors. As it turned out, I thought Kona ash was the "right" color against the white for the look I wanted. First, I transfered my drawing with light pencil onto my grey fabric and then fused the white windows:

That's not the best photo. Sorry! I took it at night......thus the shadow! When I took this picture, I wasn't sure if I was going to show you this whole process, but since it is different than anything I've done before, I thought you might be interested. After I was done fusing the windows, I put fusible web on the back of the entire building pattern and cut it out. Note that I also fused some tiny green trees.
Then, I removed the fusible web and fused the entire thing to my already quilted white quilt sandwich and added more tiny trees:
So far, I was still enthused. I wasn't sure if I should use black thread (which is always my "go to" color) to outline stuff, or if I should outline the white windows with white and maybe do a darker grey thread for the grey windows. I loved the look as it was at this point; very contemporary and stark. Now, I wish I had followed that thought!
This is what it looks like finished:
Note that I followed my "go to" norm and I think because of that, I lost the contemporary feel. I don't think the black enhances the windows at all. Anyway, it's not my favorite, to say the least! Maybe someday I'll make it over and do it the other way. I'm thinking I'd like it much better. Then again, maybe not? Oh well, they all can't be winners, huh? Several of my Flickr friends told me to color in the white windows to see if I could "fix" it, but I don't think so. The whole point of the design was for a clean and stark look with just a bit of whimsey of the little trees. I do have someone who wants to buy it, so I'm pretty sure that's where it'll go.
On another note, I got my mug rug from the mug rug swap and it's a beauty!
Jana (megmormel) did a fantastic job. Her piecing is perfect, her quilting is amazing, and her binding is above reproach! Bravo, Jana! It is gorgeous and I love it! (Besides, she also sent me some salt water taffy, fat quarters and floss for a little extra gift.) Now, as long as I don't pull out my fillings, I'll be fine!!
So, that's it for today! Next, I have to work on a commission and I'm all excited. I have to reproduce something I did last year, and I can't wait since it was one of my favorite quilts. I can't tell you because I have no idea if the recipient reads my blog and that would spoil the surprise. We wouldn't want that. would we???? Until next time, my friends!!! And again............smooches to you all for being so nice!!!