And that doesn't include #55 - Noel from Spain, #56 - Mari from Norway, and yet to be introduced (but flying to her owner) #57 - Bonnie from the US.
Every week I get inquiries about how to become one of my ladies so I thought I'd explain the process again for any of you thinking of the possibility. All my ladies are done on a commission basis (unless I decide to be generous and do one for a swap like, #44 - Dr. Sil). I draw each lady specifically from a photo provided by the client. I retain the original drawing just in case the fabric portrait would become lost. (Let's not even discuss that......eikes!!!) My charge is $110 USD for US residents and $125 USD for international customers. This includes shipping and gets you an approximate 14x18" fabric likeness wall hanging, with sleeve, dowel, and O ring, all ready to hang. My turn around time is usually 1-2 weeks. Payment can be made by a check drawn on any US bank for US customers or Paypal for anyone but not until you have discussed the job with me.
From the client, I require a front facing photograph sent to my e-mail address, along with knowledge of eye color (since it's sometimes not apparent from the photo), knowledge of favorite colors, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Sometimes ladies don't want pins in their mouths.....or have other specific requests. If you note above, I even did a teacher who loves cupcakes. Her fabric portrait is hanging in her classroom and as she explained to me, one little student even wanted to know if it could talk.
So, there you have it!! I am just about ready to start the Christmas orders. Last year, I was working until the middle of December and it got to be a real hassle. This year, I will be cutting off production the first week in December for US customers and the last week in November for international clients so that the portraits get delivered in time for Christmas.
So now only one questions remains...............what number lady will YOU be???
Seeing them all in the mosaic is fabulous.
Thanks for sharing this. I was wondering the procedure, someday I am going to get one of these!
you've got me on the Christmas list right? I love these ladies
How lovely seeing the 'ladies' all together! They really are fabulous! One day, one day....
Your 2013 ladies look great in the mosaic....There were a lot of blondes but sew far I am the only SPICKY......
Wow! I know that you did quite a few ver the year... but seing them all in this mosaic is jaw-dropping!! Beautiful!!
Wo would have thought that you would someday add international portraiture to your resume?! Well done my friend.
Wow would you look at all those beauties together! Carol you have been busy this year and with the envelopes and swaps too, you must create 20 hours a day, lol.
OK, lets see.... I met you when I was 66 and you were going on 66, so I can be your 66th lady!
Soon will send a photo, before taxes increase here, once more....!
I LOVE your quilts!! I want to be #58. I might be blind or just plain ole senile but I can't find anyway to contact you.
Lynda, you have a no-reply blogger address so I can't answer you. Is there another e-mail address where you can be reached?
Love your ladies....am off to see DH and tell him how much I NEED one for my birthday!! Lol!
These are really beautful!!
These are great! Do you do children?
Love this quilt, it is very inspiring!
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