On occasion, as I wake up in the morning, it seems as though I was haunted during the night by a quilt monster putting stuff in my head that MUST come out. Funny thing is that sometimes, it's some of my best work! LOL I had a day like that this week, so I figured I should "go with the flow" and get it out of there as soon as possible so I could move on. I started almost as soon as I woke up, and finished it in one day. I must say, it's even a bit too modernistic for me, but it seems that others like it. Now, I wish I had put on a black and white striped binding instead of the plain black...oh well!
It's even featured
here today! Imagine that?
this is an awesome quilt. I love the crosses. well done!
Love it! I like the quilting design the most I think, maybe its because I find it hardest to know what to quilt.
I love this....perfect as it is.
This is quite wonderful. Very different from your usual style, but I love it!!
Everything about it is perfect, Carol. I think a black/white binding would've distracted from the pluses.
Oh My!!! This quilt us utterly "too cool". I just love it. So modern and artistic. This quilt is a favorite & I agree with you regarding the binding, even still it is fabulous.
Brenda C.
Carol, it's fantastic! The solid binding is perfect and I love the quilting!!!
The binding is perfect Carol! Lovely!
It is very modern and I love it! I think the black and white stripe may have taken away from the B/W boxes. Very fun.
I like it a lot! The quilting design is perfect for it. How big is the quilt?
This is wonderful! I love it.
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