I did make a few mug rugs before it left so I have something to show you. Aren't you so happy? (Although I could resort to a few photos of my tomato plants which are going bonkers this year, if I run out of sewing.) Seriously, if I was Jack in the Beanstalk and those plants were stretched out straight, I swear I could be up in the clouds in no time! Funny, how I just thought of that!!
As you know, I joined the Mug Rug Swap again. My partner has a whole mess of stuff she likes, and I'm not going to say too much just in case she reads my blog, but one thing that she does like is the color "orange". Needless to say, I pulled my orange fabrics and thought of what to do. One thing I came up with was this one:

(No one knows, but her name is embroidered under that sign so don't tell.) I thought that might be fun. Then, as long as I already had out the oranges, I decided to make another one.......just in case, I guess.....BUT, I was already committed with her name sewn on, I suppose. Duh! Anyway, I like this one better:

Then, in my desire to keep going and be creative, I went a bit wilder with this one which I adore:

Only trouble is that I'm not sure if I really like it that way, or portrait style. Tip your head one way and the other and see for yourself. Naturally, I had to add the buttons. I LOVE those teeny tiny buttons and I wish I could put them on everything! They make things so whimsical!
So, that's it for today folks! I made one more mug rug that I'll show you next time. It's a remake of one someone else did a few years ago, but I had to put buttons on mine for a different spin (hello!! lol) I sure hope I have my machine back by the next time I write to you otherwise (for sure) I will be crying!
The machine having to go in for service. Oh my god - that is my biggest nightmare! I feel for you.
Can I just tell you that those mug rugs are spectacular? Of course, I love the orange one (go figure), and the leaves are adorable. but that yellow, black and white is one heck of a Zing! Love it!
Have a good day, Carol.
You crazy mama!
wowzers!! i love your mug rugs!! all 3!!!
about the your friend........... this is why you should have more than one friend, even if one is your best friend, is "loved" way more than the other, and maybe can't "do" as many things, at least she is there to help you through the misery of being without your best friend! heeheehee
The one with the leaves is simply gorgeous. Are they made with reverse applique? Colours are beautiful. I like the third one too - great design with the jags and uneven stripes and unusual colouring. And there's nothing wrong with the first one either. Hope you get your machine back very soon!
I love them all. One question... do you sew the buttons on before you sandwich and quilt or after? When I embellish first, I break needles. When I do it last, I struggle to keep the back looking neat.
Well, I have three machines, so there is always one/two here when one goes to the 'spa'. No mojo problems here, just not enough hours. Oh I really just love the second piece!
LOVE all the mug rugs...everytime I see one of your posts...you make me want to sit and create...ahhh...but I'm only visiting on my 'lunch break' and tho I work in a quilt shop (actually it's my quilt shop..haha) - it's time to take care of those oh not so glamorous quilt shop jobs..like making labels for panels, pricing fat quarters and let's not forget paperwork...LOL
Those are fantastic!
Wow, I have all kinds of comments from this post you've done.
First ~ I think I should take the short drive toward you and take my machine to the place you go. Where I go there is NO reservation possibility and no matter when I take my machine in, I will not see it before 3 weeks has passed IF I'm lucky. And even worse is that the one who does the cleaning/repair last I knew was off on disability after some injury so all machines were being shipped off to the Viking company. Ummmmmm NO thank you! I don't like the fact that someone I don't even know is tossing (judging by the scratches on my case when it returned) into the back of their car and driving it on the interstate from Rockford into Chicago somewhere, much less somehow getting it to the company which I believe is in TN now(?)!
Anyway, I LOVE the first mug rug you have done with the secret name covered up. I don't see why this mystery person wouldn't absolutely love it either. The extra stitching is amazing and added so much to it. Beautiful job as always!!
Tomatoes? I'm still so sad we (and when I say 'we', I mean my husband since I can't do it myself) never planted any this year and all I've bought from the store AND from the fruit stand we drove to were gross looking and rotted within three days of buying them. SO depressing to pay that much and have them rotten in such a short period of time. :(
I think you need a backup machine so you won't miss your baby when she's off being fixed up next time.
I love your mug rugs. My machine is two years old and I have yet to take it in for servicing as I do not want to be without it.
These are awesome! Like the last in portrait rather than landscape. My fave is the leaves - great quilting choice.
My machine always goes in for service while I am on holiday so there is no chance I will miss it.
yikes, no machine?! i love the yellow and black mug rug. hope you get your machine back soon! or you can just smock another dress for T if you want :)
You certainly are making someone very happy! Those mug rugs are adorable...and I agree that those little buttons are just the cat's meow! Love your stitching and the vibrant colors!
Jack would be mighty proud...reminds me of my son's book about Mickey Mouse and Friends and the beanstalk;)
The leaves in that one mini are so pretty:)
I am sorry to have had to miss this round of the swap as those three are all so excellent, but I truly love the yellow one the most.
My fave is the first one. Love the hand stitching and the buttons. Also, I prefer the landscape style. The buttons look less like eyes that way. Anyway, that's what I thought when I turned my head. LOL
Happy Sewing! (when you get your baby back).
Makes me glad I have a few spares. I do have my FAVORITE to piece on. I'm catching up on my Blog reading. Love the last Mug rug. Turned my head and saw white tree frogs with their tongues out. Can you tell I've had 4 boys and their little sister at my house for 3 days??
i especially love the one with the leaves and the first one too. You do such lovely work. Thanks for inspiring me.
you should buy yourself an extra machine for that time when you have to send your good one in for service. I have an older back-up machine that I use and am very happy with it....
SPECTACULAR indeed. : )
I really enjoyed your mug rugs. Great inspiration for something different from what I usually do. Thanks for sharing.
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