Isn't that the most perfect binding fabric? Strange that I found it in my basement bin where I have stuff I usually don't use, but found while I was down there looking for something else. Needless, to say, it's staying upstairs now!! I actually have it in another color way too so you'll probably be seeing that sometime in the future.
Here is another mug rug that I made. I was a bad girl and copied this almost exactly from a mug rug a friend did a few years ago. If you click the picture, you will get a link to hers so you can see that too.

So, I think that's it for the mug rugs for awhile. I made 6, and really only needed 1, so I'm set. Now I am going to concentrate on the Fab Little Quilt Swap quilt that I need to make. Needless to say, I'm sure I won't be able to do just one there either. I already have tons of ideas, so we'll see how far I get. At least I did something while my machine was gone:

Now to continue. I'm thinking this will be colorful and fun and VERY me! Stay tuned! I'm going to try to quilt it today since it's already pieced and ready to go. Stay tuned................
I can imagine, how horrible must be the time, when you can't use your machine, so I'm happy with you, that your little baby is back :D
I love your energetic and fullcolour sewing... it's make a happy smile :)
I cannot wait you will finish the project from last picture... the small round pieces looks very optimistic!! :))
I didn't realize how much I missed you :-D Your work is so happy, energetic and colorful, and I realized I smiled when I read your blog. Now, please don't get me wrong, but I'm doing a rain dance every morning... just sayin.
That was quick! glad the machine is home and you are busy working on cute stuff. Happy Sewing, Mamactj
You know I couldn't sleep last night waiting for my pic of the tomato plant from Jack:):)
NO really I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of a quilt...a quilt that had to have orange,yellow and blue in it..yes that is what it should have. Then I thought of how you couldn't sleep because of all the ideas running through your head..oy vey.
It must have taken me a good 1 hr to finally fall asleep!
Oh, good! No more whinning now! Happy followers! And happy colorful creations! How could you bury that binding stripe and forget about it! You don't deserve it, send it to me! :-)
Lindos! Parabéns! Gostei muito. Bjs.
Thank goodness...I was having severe mamacjt withdrawals!
I love, love, love those colorful mug rugs......they just make me smile :o)
Can't wait to see what you are creating with all those circles!
Terry (fka iluvmybugs)
Hi Carol, haven't popped over for awhile. Life, busy, stuff, you know! BUT! Had to say, popping over now and flicking through the last few posts on your blog here, your work s just l.o.v.e.l.y! Love it all! Your colour usage is awesome, brings a smile to my face!
Wow, that modern quilt is gorgeous! Glad your machine is back. Honestly, I thought all quilters owned 4 to 5 sewing machines--so I'm told by most quilters. I have had my same Elna machine for over 14 years, sturdy, heavy & not all plastic parts. Thanks for continuing to share!!
Hermoso e inspirador!!!adoro su estilo!
un beso desde aquí por tu trabajo tus comentarios muy bonito y así un poco familiar
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