I really wished the snow could have stayed away all winter, but I guess I should be happy that it stayed nice outside as long as it did. Toby likes it though.......it's fun to burrow in:
I continue to play with solids and decided the other day just to sew some leftover strips together and see what I could come up with. Once it was done, I had no idea how how I was going to quilt it until I looked at my sewing machine and decided to make it a stitch sampler. I named it, "Stitches". (I never seem to run out of clever names, dontcha know??!! lol)
I have something else in the works and the only thing I can say is that I used a ton of colors:
That was only a few of the many that I used. This wall hanging is taking me an age, so we'll see what happens. If I get a partner who likes color for a new swap that I joined, perhaps they might be blessed with it, who knows? First though, I have to finish it! I go from liking it to not. Sometimes that means I've been looking at it too long! lol So often, I wish I worked faster!!! I don't want to forget so many others in my head that need to come out.
Oh...one more thing. I don't think I showed you a mosaic of all the ladies together. It made a hit with my friends in Flickr:

Cute, huh? Perhaps I will continue with that series when this "solid" marathon is done. Let me know if you'd like to be in the next bunch. Wouldn't that be fun??? Until next time...........
ohh i'd love to be if you do these again - don't know if I missed any special criteria but I found your blog in the middle of this series and i've been loving it ever since! you're work is beautiful!
Have been reading your blog for quite some time now and just not hit the follow button. Have enjoyed all of your lovely ladies. Would be such fun to be included and follow along again. Take care!
I would love to be included. Have been from the start but was afraid you might be wanting to move on. So glad you find them as much fun to create as it is to see them presented.
I love all the ladies together! I am excited to see you do more. I really enjoy seeing the quilt next to the real lady. It is fun to compare.
Love the solid quilt for all the wonderful design and great use of machine embroidery stitches. The quilt ladies are spectacular! How fun to see them all together in the mosaic.
Silly little dog! He'll figure it out soon enough. Fun color collection of thread there. I'm anxious to see what it's been sewn to.
I like your Stitches and seeing all of the LADIES. I can link back to this Post to show my Guild buddies! We got snow here too. That means I get to sew "Remotely". I missed the making of the last two. Still getting lots of comments on mine and Lynn's. So glad you made them for us!
Oh yes......I'd love to be in your next 'Ladies' series. Nice to see Toby having fun in the snow. He needs a bright red scarf!!
Stitches is beautiful Carol! I would love to be in the next group of ladies - how would I make that happen? Glad someone enjoys the snow. We are heading south.
I would find it a hoot to be in your next series!!!!! You work is just fabulous!!! It never fails to make me giggle!! Many hugs!!
You are welcome to have our snow Carol!! As a Vancouverite I am not used to or fond of the stuff.
Love every single thing about the stitches piece and am inspired to try one myself. The buttons are the perfect touch.
I love all the buttons so tiny and the array of stitches!
Enjoy that snow!
Great idea with your solids and "stitches" Lvoe your ladies - would be interested in joining the gang.
I just love seeing all your wonderful creations! I must try that stitch sampler idea.
Stars loves the snow we got today too. Love your Ladies series--who wouldn't want to be one?!
I would love to be in your series, too. What do I need to do to be included? I love, love, LOVE these gals!
oops....it was me Little Penpen, not Babysitter's Love, in the above post. I didn't realize my DIL had left her account up on my computer. I still would love to be included in your ladies series. And your dog is precious against the snow.... Snow White!
I love the "Ladies"! Please make more.
Carol, I loved "the ladies" one by one as you finished them, but I absolutely ADORE them all together!!!! You are one VERY talented lady! Can't wait to see more!
Your ladies are amazing. I don't see any grey-haired ladies with short hair and glasses, though. I happen to know one who admires your work big-time! Giggle...I love your "stitches" with the bright, bold colors!
Love your "Stitches" and your ladies are so much fun...I'd love to be in the next bunch!
I too would love to be mamacjt'd! I'm an avid follower of your blog and have loved your series!
Keep up the inspirational work - I've just done my first applique quilt today!
OHHH YES...Yo quiero jajaja...
Super lindos tus proyectos.
Of course I'd like to be in your next bunch. Although I wear glasses like most of the ladies in your first bunch, I am different in most other ways.
me encantaría estar en la siguiente ronda, que tengo que hacer para participar?
I've always loved your ladies and I'd find it a hoot to be part of your collection! With my loks, I'd probably be your first challenge, though!
Love the Stitch quilt! And the mosaic of ladies is brilliant! You are one talented lady!
*aahhh*... what loveley ladies! Sooo cute! Realy realy great!
I'd love to be in the next bunch too!
Hugs from germany!
Your ladies are so fun and whimsical...I love how you bring each one to life. Oh, how I would enjoy being included in the next round. I think a quilt along would be fun too.
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