Since I'm smiling again, I thought it appropriate to make some mug rugs for the swap. As most of you know, it's my 2nd favorite swap of all since I LOVE to make mug rugs. Actually, I call them that, but to me, they are little mini quilts since mostly I create them with buttons or some kind of embellishment and sadly coffee cups might tip right over because buttons don't make things too stable on a table. lol Believe it or not, I even add little O rings on each "mug rug quiltie" now, hoping that the recipient will hang it instead.
I started off with this one that I call, "MeRry ChRistmas". It's 6 1/2" by 7 1/2" and I got the idea from a card that I designed and sent some years ago to all our friends for the holidays.

Since that was so fun, I made this one next. I called it (brilliantly, I might add), "Holiday 2012 Mug Rug #2". lol It's 6" x 8 1/2". Super simple and really fast........(see all the buttons???)

Being that I was on a roll, until today, that is.........(cleaning house instead....ugh..), I decided to make this one yesterday that I named, "A Penguin Holiday". (Half the fun in quilting is naming stuff, dontcha know, since I'm done having kids and who knows about more dogs??) It ended up at 6 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches. (Did you note that they've been getting bigger as I go along?)

I do have a few more ideas, but it's getting close to Thanksgiving and I have some baking to do, so who knows how many more I'll get done. I'm overdue to start my annual cookie baking marathon too. I make them and then freeze them all so I need to start early. This is a plateful of most of the varieties from 2009.

Mostly all the varieties I have made for years and some recipes even date back to my grandmother's time. I was thinking of perhaps doing a recipe with pictures each day when I get in the swing, if you would be interested. While I don't claim to have a baking blog, I thought it might be a fun change for a week or so. Let me know what you think........okay??? Until then............take care be well! And again, thanks for all your help last time!!!!!!!
If your cookies are even half as good as your quilts then they must be amazing! I would love to have some recipes.
Glad the comments deletion wasn't dire.
Love your mug rugs and the cookies look delicious. I am always in the market for new treat recipes.
Love the little quilts! Oh, the cookies...i hope that I can do some serious cookie baking this year, but most of mine will begin after Thanksgiving. Do you freeze yours? I look forward to seeing your cookie recipes and see if any match mine. I, too, have some from my grandmother!
:Your Christmas items are so cute Carol!! You are so talented!
I'd love to watch you do your Christmas baking.
Glad to hear you didn't lose all your comments. I just love you little quilts. The penguin one is so cute.
Oh goody! COOkIeS... Can't wait for the pics and recipes! FUN..
That plate of cookies looks so delicious!
You already know that I love the mini quilts/mug rugs! Cute as buttons ... 8-)
All three are lovely and I like the first one best, so clean and crisp. A baking and sewing blog sounds fine to me.
YES, Please share your Cookies and recipes. I can almost taste them. My Mil used to make a freeze her cookies so she would have them for drop-in company. The stories of the recipes should be shared so it isn't forgotten. Isn't that why we BLOG? Cute Mug Rugs, I definitely would hang it up!
Phew! I can hear the relief in your voice about your comment dilemma. As for your mini wall hangings they are very adorable.
Oh my word, these are awesome! You are amazing! Thanks for the inspiration!
Would truly enjoy pix and recipes!
Lovely! Quick question...It appears that the lettering is embroidered. Did you just hand write it and then stitch over the top?
Oh Yes Please!!
Can I suggest posting a picture of the recipe as well. Just saying, it might cut down on your work post posting.
Your "Mug Rugs" are tres adorable!!! Tried not to look at the cookies because I cannot eat wheat and the temptation is mighty when I see treats such as these!!!
Love all the mug rugs and I don't think I could bear to cover them up. the cookies look delish. Recipes would be lovely to drool over - you probably need a recipe journal cover to go with it so we can print them and keep them all together ... just a thought... and maybe rug mugs to go with the cookies for a truly coordinated look. Am I getting carried away now?? LOL
Your mug rugs are adorable...very inspirational! Love how you used little bits of fabric to create your pictures! So sweet!
Love your mugs rugs! They're so fun. And yes to the cookie idea. I need new treats for the holidays.
Love your little quilts and those cookies look delicious. I hope you let us know a few recipes. Some don't look familiar to me.
Please do share your recipes. Your tray of cookies looks like it has things I haven't made before. I'd love the new ideas.
Forget the recipes...just send me the cookies! I will taste test for you. I'm a really good cookie taster. :-) I love the mug rugs...Merry Christmas I love the most. All time queen of mug rugs!
Love your mug rugs and those cookies look so yummy...please do share your recipes :o)
You make the cutest quilts. I especiall like the first one, neat!!!!!
You have such unique and inspiring imagination and talent. These are just beautiful and make me want to drop everything and try to make one!
I'd love to see your recipies -- especially after drooling over that picture! :-)
Fantastic mini quilts! Thank you for Christmas inspiration! I like to call them also mini quilts because they are, with binding and everything! x Teje
I haven't commented in a while, just plain lazy!. I just love, love, love, your Christmas card quilts--blessed are the friends that receive them. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
If this plateful from 2009 is any indication, you could have a baking blog!!!! I'd love any of the recipes, if not all. YES Please!
I would love to see pictures and have recipes of your Christmas cookies!!!
Happy Sewing! (and baking LOL)
I just love the Penguin!! It is so cute!!! Penguins are one of my favorite animals, so this is right up my alley!!! :)
Hi Carol! I found your blog after finding your AWESOME Christmas Tree Mug Rug on Pinterest. You are an artist! I love your style! I started following you on flickr, your blog... LOVE your work!
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