I am so pleased to finally introduce you to #17, Lynn:
There's a funny little story that I just discovered about Lynn's eyes. You can read it on Mary's blog post. First, you have to meet Mary, who was the sweetheart who instigated the whole surprise:
a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/35289170@N06/6606241249/" title="#17 in the Ladies series - Mary by mamacjt, on Flickr">
And here is a picture of the two of them together with themselves:
You'll have to read Mary's blog to get the scoop on Lynn's eye color. I was quite surprised when I read it....!!!! LOL And, I guess Mary thought her eyes should have been a bit browner too. Hazel is tricky! Everyone has their own opinion of hazel, I guess. I'm sorry, Mary!
One thing though...... Mary is recovering from having her tonsils out right before Christmas! Poor Mary! I can't imagine not talking, can you? Or eating normal food? Especially around the holidays? E-gads!! I hope you are doing well, Mary, and recovering fast! My best wishes to you and thank you again. I had a ball making you both! I hope Lynn loved herself.
Have a safe and marvelous New Year's, my friends! I've had an awesome year full of surprises and fun! I'm so happy that you have joined me on this journey through 2011. I can't wait to see what 2012 will bring!