So now to present #15....."Jen". Naturally, as in the past, I'll show you the drawing first, and then the eyes (my favorite part) and then the whole quilt. And yes, she is a real lady. Check out her blog here. You'll even see her photo on the right.
Jen works at my favorite quilt shop called Patched Works in Elm Grove. #16, "Julie", also works at the quilt shop, but better than that, Julie owns the shop. She doesn't always wear her tomato earrings though so you might not recognize her if you go there. Here is Julie:
You can see a real photo of Julie here. She is the one on the far right. I might have gotten her hair a bit too reddish, but that's how she looks to me and I had to get those curls in there, you know! And, yes, she does have those beautiful big blue eyes in real life!
So, that's it for today, folks! Next time I'll show you a pic of the awesome fabric I bought today. It is so fun, if I do say so myself! I'm going to make something big. It seems like an age since I've made a bigger quilt and I'm missing it! Besides, it's the season here for staying warm (again). Summer in Wisconsin is waaaaaaaayyy too short!! That is, unless #13 and #14 show up at their homes. They're certainly more important than any old fabric any day! Until well, take care and thank you for being part of my life! I am truly blessed!