Until then, I have randomly picked the pincushion winners and have e-mailed the winners. Please check your spam folders and get back to me so I can ship your pincushion to you, pronto! The boxes are all ready to be mailed:
I've been working on more bitty blocks for May.......there is something about those tiny 3.5 inch blocks which mystifies me for some reason. Maybe it's getting so much mail! Out of the 12 that I have to make of each kind, 11 get shipped out so when I join two groups, I get 22 bitties back. Who knows what I'll do with all of them someday!???
Tomorrow is my friend, Annie's, birthday! This is the girl who sends me the darling fabric postcards, so I knew I had to do something special for her! I thought a placemat might be in order. She likes bright colors like I do, so I really did a number for her:
I wish I could link you up to her blog, but I lost my list and for the life of me, can't remember the name of it!! E-gads! Oh well, Happy Birthday, Annie! You KNOW I love ya!!
Have a good weekend, my friends! AND, good luck with your own blogs! This isn't nice! I feel so lost!