Until then, I have randomly picked the pincushion winners and have e-mailed the winners. Please check your spam folders and get back to me so I can ship your pincushion to you, pronto! The boxes are all ready to be mailed:
I've been working on more bitty blocks for May.......there is something about those tiny 3.5 inch blocks which mystifies me for some reason. Maybe it's getting so much mail! Out of the 12 that I have to make of each kind, 11 get shipped out so when I join two groups, I get 22 bitties back. Who knows what I'll do with all of them someday!???
Tomorrow is my friend, Annie's, birthday! This is the girl who sends me the darling fabric postcards, so I knew I had to do something special for her! I thought a placemat might be in order. She likes bright colors like I do, so I really did a number for her:
I wish I could link you up to her blog, but I lost my list and for the life of me, can't remember the name of it!! E-gads! Oh well, Happy Birthday, Annie! You KNOW I love ya!!
Have a good weekend, my friends! AND, good luck with your own blogs! This isn't nice! I feel so lost!
Oh no - it sounds like you need some ((hugs)).
I would be totally thrown if my sidebar went astray on my blog too.
Have you posted a question in the Google+ help forum? You may find out why/what/where/when has happened that way.
In the meantime, my fingers are tightly crossed that it just reappears.
Liz xxxx
Wouldnt it be good if they could just leave blogger alone and only work on improvements! But at least you are still posting and I have my favourite places - so I can see that you have posted!!
Hang in there I am sure it will come good.
Did you change the options for allowing it to be formatted for mobile - iPad or iPhone maybe? It looks like one of the markers to begin the right column may be missing. Suggest you add the top link back in and then delete the old one. It might put the appropriate beginning code back in place. And then bring it all back.
THIS Is so CUTE!! what a great idea...meanwhile I think its Google's attempt to force all of us to use Chrome...I hope I dont loose my right side stuff--and I HOPE yours is resurrected.
There is a blogger problem thread going at http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!categories/blogger/something-is-broken where you can post your problem (and hopefully get an answer). I got a message when I signed in saying blogger didn't support Internet Explorer!
I love your birthday card for Annie (freezeframe03), just fantastic, such gorgeous patterns and colours. I love both of your blogs. Good luck with getting all your information back.
Sorry, I meant your placemat for Annie. Extremely decorative and useful!
Oh goodness, I do hope your side bar returns soon, and I just hope it doesn't happen to mine, because I would be in the same position as you. Maria seems to know what she is talking about, but it would all be double dutch to me. Hope all returns soon. Love that place mat it really is special.
Pooh would say, "oh bother"
I think Annie is FreezeFrame.....love her funny icon.
Oh my gosh I wonder what happened? Did you click on the template designer? If you were trying to change something and didn't save your template, you could have lost your old template. Hard to know what happened, since I don't know what you clicked on. Anyhow I love the birthday placemat you made. I made what started out as a mug rug for my friend's birthday, but grew to nearly placemat size. I'll post mine next month after I mail her the gifts I made her.
Hope it all comes back! It would have to for me, because I sure wouldn't be able to find it, LOL. Annie's Musings: http://freezeframe03.blogspot.com/
She is awesome :-)
I may have the answer to the sidebar problem as this happened to me the other day. For me I had posted a blog post from my tablet and it was that post that had some bad html that put my sidebar in no man's land. Once I republished that post using the blogger form it all came back. Check out this page for more help...http://www.bloggertipsandtricks.com/2006/04/what-to-do-sidebar-slide-to-bottom-of.html
About a month ago all my stuff disappeared too. I kept refreshing, signing out and closing the browser, but nothing made a difference. Then I stated eliminating stuff hoping that would work - no dice! It all came back the next day and I still have no idea where it went or why.
Good luck on getting yours back!
It seems like it's taking too long. That is just scarry! Maybe we'll all just have to go back to flickr where life sure is a whole lot easier. In the meantime, go to someone's blog that you know has many of your favorite bloggers listed and you can see what they're doing that way ... at least.
Thank you so much for the totally awesome placemat (that will never see a speck of food near it) that makes me feel so happy and loved every time I look at it!
by-the-way..... those shipping boxes are upside down. Could you please flip them over for me.
Mrs. Monk
Yeah I noticed my pics were MIA too! Never a dull moment!
I don't think I won a pincushion...darn....darn...darn:) They are too cute!
On my dashboard, next to the lower down triangle, there is a oblong space that says something like "comments". I get there quite by accident all the time - I have a shaky right hand, and it's hard to keep it on that tiny triangle. Anyway, I'll mention your sidebar problem to Blogger. It can't "hoit".
Love the birthday card. I know what you mean about small blocks. I really hate anything bigger than 4".
Hi again... the "comment" actually says "send feedback". Look on your dashboard... you may have one also.
Hugs again!
oh no, I hope you get your information back soon! that is a cute postcard!!!
Your placemat is absolutely gorgeous! And I see that Annie already loves it! Isn't it fabulous that you share the love of bright and wonderful fabrics and designs! Good luck with blogger...fingers crossed...
Last week, the blog list on my sidebar lost all of the post desciptions and the links started going to rss feeds instead of the actual blogs. I spent two hours trying to figure out how to fix it with no luck. And then the dang thing fixed itself.
Not loving Blogger right now. I know it's a free service, so we can't whine too much, but I wish they hadn't "fixed" it quite so much!
I didn't like the new interface and read how to go back to the old one; so I did! I just clicked the gear, I think it was on the navigation bar. All is well again! Good luck!
Yeah Annie!!!! She did it!! She found all my stuff and got it all back on! I think I have to make her another placemat!!! Thank you, Annie!
I love technology and sometimes I really hate it too!!! Our family computer whiz had the nerve to take a job and move out of state! We sure do miss him!!! I call our cable company for tech. assistance and I swear they have an "old" and "stupid" icon on our account!!!
Congrats to Annie, where did she find it?...no, don't answer that as I won't understand anyway.
Great Placemat! So glad you are back in business too. No fun to have technical glitches!
In the meantime your blog came back, lucky you! I really, really love this quilt you made for your friend. That must have made her birthday...
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