I used to just love that song from "Alice in Wonderland" when Tweeledee and Tweedledum sang it...do you remember? Oh well, anyway, I drew the oval freehand and went to town. I hand embroidered all those words, appliqued those teeny tiny candles, stitched the sprinkles on the cake, pieced the bias binding and got it on almost perfectly and ........."nothing". Not a peep!
Then, just for fun, and because I wanted (and because I have a strange personality, I suppose), I made this:
Yes, it's a mug rug too! It does have batting and the yolk, in fact, even has three layers making it stick up real 3D like. I should have saved it for the QT Mini swap for this time.....the theme is 3D, BUT the real funny thing is that I've gotten more comments in Flickr on this goofy egg than on some of my other stuff which has taken me sometimes 10 times longer to make. Who knew? Now, I wonder what other kinds of food I can find to quilt???
And I suppose you're wondering..........."No", she didn't comment on this one either. LOL
Oh my gosh.. that egg is hilarious!! I love that!
They are both SUPER, SUPER cute!
If she doesn't want them, I'll take em.
I've always been a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland.
oh...but it's not Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum that sing it- it's the mad hatter and the march hair.
Well, thank God for Cole!!! She's right, I'm wrong! It was the Mad Hatter and March Hare. How could I forget??? Duh!
That egg is fabulous!!! I think you need to do some bacon next, or maybe some bagels, donuts . . .
you could really do a whole buffet! hahaha.
Oh, my, I would be sending you flowers to receive one of your pieces.
Love the egg! Of course, I am in awe of all of your quilts. :) I check your blog every day to see what you've created next and I am NEVER disappointed. You are SOOOOO talented.
Well your partner is very lucky...whether she realizes it or not. Of course, you could just send that "unbirthday" mini to me ;-) Love the egg as well.
I'm so sorry she has not commented on anything, oh my gosh, I would be in seventh heaven to get anything from you. I check every day to see if you have done anything new and I keep going over and over all your pictures. Such wonderful work.
So my comment is "Thank you for sharing with us your beautiful hard work!"
I'D SWITCH PARTNERS TO ME!!!!!! Seriously....that unbirthday is adorable and the egg is fabulous!!!!
Just not so long ago I found your blog and now have it in my blog reader. I went way back on your blog to take a look at your work and it is just fabulous! I really like all the free hand things that you design--what a talent.
I would love to receive anything you'd make and would sing your praises! Maybe something has happened to the person that has taken him/her away from quilting and the internet.
Nonetheless, I'll leave you my email in case you want to get in touch with me!!
I never knew sarcasim could be passed through a quilt project;)
Happy Quilting!!
Well, YOU commented on MY mugrug that I made thanks to your coloring crayon inspiration, and I THANK YOU !
My goodness! I can't imagine not receiving any acknowledgement on what are truly works of art! You are a very kind person to continue to send the mug rugs to whomever. God will bless you! Toni
Can I be your mug rug partner because I would certainly appreciate and comment and comment on them. I love your work. These MRs are so cute.
What is wrong with people lol...ok maybe not people...JUST your LADY...aha but I have one of those too...never one comment..I have given up stalking her...even if I wrote her name on her stuff, she would not see it ... I think I have the solution...we should be partners....I love your stuff, you love mine...you make me laugh, I make you laugh...I do don't I ...lol...
Can I just tell you when my birthday is? Because I can tell you for sure you would hear from me! I love it - it is the cutest thing I've seen in forever. And so is that egg. :) blessings, marlene
Are you sending these things to her?? That would be so disappointing to me - and I think I would have stopped - but there might be a good reason - so perhaps we should withhold our judgement - in case. Nevertheless it doesnt take much to at least send you a note even if she cant get on line. I am sure everyone who visits your blog would be a happy recipient. Love your egg and your mug rug - as I love all your stuff (I think I have told you that a few times already!) You know, funny, in Australia - if we made a 'thing' for a mug/cup etc - we would probably call it a coaster.
Looking forward to bacon and toast to complement your egg!
Maybe she had a crash of the 'puter kind! That would put her out of comish for a while. I hope so, well, not really HOPE so, cause I don't wish ill on anyone, but that would be a reasonable explanation. Or maybe the bug got her. Drop her a not just to be sure she's OK.
But hey..lots of us look for inspiration and I would say you got plenty out of this situation!! Happy Mug Rugs!!
You have the best blog stories Samm, even though they may be about unhappy people.
That birthday mug rug is the cutest! Maybe it really caught my attention because it's my "special" birthday tomorrow! I my have to "copy" your for myself if you allow it??!!??
Darn now I KNOW you aren't my partner! And it has been the same for me in the DQS!! Isn't it frustrating!
Goodness! I can't imagine that someone would not comment on receiving such a fabulous mat! Your work is always so incredible and whimsical. Love everything, and your egg is a hoot!
I'm hope next time you host a swap, I can play, too.
Okay, so your work is of such beauty that you've left her 'speechless' ... how utterly disappointing and I'm sorry. I adore your work and many of your pictures are my favorites :) I want to one day tackle the crayon work ... one day :) Yolk's on her.
The egg is tooo funny! And I just love the unbirthday mugrug. Can't wait to see what else you come up with.
Well, I wish I was so lucky that you were my swap-partner....:o)
Yes I agree! obviously your partner is speechless... Just keep on showing all of us your stunning work and we will keep on commenting till the cows come home.
Oh that's sad. I have seen them all on Flickr and absolutely love them. Keep trying.
Well, then I can´t be your swap-partner, I comment on nearly everything you do ;o)
A rug with a cake for 364 days/year is sooo great!
And the egg is sooo funny, maybe you should do the matching bacon for its company!
I know just how you feel, my partner hasn't commented on any of my pic's for the SMR3, It's very frustrating. Unfortunately it means I'm not your partner either so I won't be getting one of your wonderful creations. ;)
It's also annoying as I do try and comment on as many pics as possible as I remembered when started posting pics online, the wonderful feeling when someone took the time to look and to comment on one of my pictures, I still get that feeling now.
Never mind everyone loves your mini masterpieces, I'm sure she's just really busy or very shy.
Are you sure she is getting them? Address correct and all?
In the meantime........
Omelet? Burrito?
Or maybe a picture menu like Denny's or IHOP has....
Great imagination!
Whilst I love the egg, I much prefer the unbirthday one. There's so much detail and time and effort and love in your crayoned pieces. What is wrong with your partner? I'd check she's still alive. If she is, I'd dump her, she's really ungrateful. I'd cry with happiness if you sent me ANY of the mug rugs you've made, you're such an amazing artist.
You definetly need me to be your partner, I LOVE your little art-pieces!
does she know she is your partner ?
Put all those exquisite little rugs in a box and mail yo me, mama. ~I~ will give them a most wonderful home !
LOVE the egg
I too love everything you make!! The egg is cute but I love the unbirthday one. Soooo cute!! Yours is the first blog I check each morning.
I love looking at your work, your projects are always so clean and crisp. Your workmanship is wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us.
Unbirthdays are the best! Love the egg too!
A friend of mine sent me this link because she thought this was so cute and because I did an unbirthday party on my blog a post or so back. We are kindred spirits! And what is it about people who fail to comment? On something that cute??? That is adorable! I would be jumping up and down, doing the happy dance if I got something that cute... BOTH of them. If I could sew, I would swap with you, but trust me, you don't want ANYTHING I've ever made. Sigh. However, if you want a grateful recipient, I am known far and wide as a repository for shiny objects! ;-)
I love both!! My partner has been super quiet for the mug rug swap as well....hope she likes what I made her! I would welcome with open arms ANYTHING you made Carol!!
I have a silent partner on this swap too - no comments to be found *at all*! And same thing on DQS10 - nothing! (different partners though, just bum luck I guess).
It does really stink, but I'm very glad to see it's having no effect on your creativity - you continue to blow us away!!!
I bet she just doesn't know how to comment! Anyway, the egg is great. I think you should make some round ones like it, and send them to Nina Lise at Make a Boob. She is collecting round, CD sized, quilted pieces for survivors of Breast Cancer to decorate and take home... remind them that we all care about them. Here is her address:
super cool mug rugs!!! i wish i was your partner, but that is impossible since i am not in this round!!
how about pie, or spaghetti, or french fries!!??
Not even a sausage? Ooops sorry I couldn't resist that one! I know it's not me! I love your Happy Unbirthday! Can't wait to see what's next, sausage, bacon and mushrooms please! lol (I still love my christmas muffins!)
Those are way too cute for words. I love everything about them especially the binding on the unbirthday cake. It's so perfect! I hope your partner is just very shy.
You could sell a bunch of designs! I love the unbirthday. The egg is hilarious and need some partners for the breakfast table... slices of toast, a pan of bacon, a pancake with a slab of butter, a grapefruit half, etc.
I would cut the partner off and see if she notices! Then have a drawing of the commenters and give away the mug rugs to one of us, who would gush and thank you for days on end!
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
Carol, I LOVE your creations. Each one a pure work of art!!!
I am all the way in South Africa and check your blog and flickr daily for inspiration. I'm pretty new to sewing and quilting, but it was from seeing your beautiful artworks that inspired me to try the crayon method and applique and using my own drawings to make fabric masterpieces! Thank you!!!!
I hope your partner comes out from hiding soon.
Great blog...Just found your work and you have totally inspired me...I have tried to join the mug rug craze but alas have not met any of the deadlines to join...I could only hope to have you as a partner...Great works!!!!!!!!
You are truly an inspiration.
Thanks for sharing
I just love your unbirthday cake!! That is so cute. LOL to your swap partner not commenting...maybe she is just playing it safe, and will love anything you make her?!
OK That's IT!!! You have the wrong partner who has NO gratitude. I will be happy to be the recipient and believe me, I will comment every time!!!!!!!!
I love the HB mug rug....sew cute...
Silent partners are very frustrating, unless they have a really really good reason. I would love to be one of your partners and I promise to comment the heck out of whatever you make! So there!
Oh my gosh! I am in shock. HOW can anyone be lucky enough to get one of your fabulous creations and NOT make a comment about it? I would be showing anything coming from you to everyone I know and probably even on my Facebook page as well. I come to your blog and just drool at how awesome everything I see is. I can only hope to be a tenth as creative as you are.
I just love the unbirthday rug. Super cute, although it would probably become a little mini-wallhanging next to my desk rather than under a cup of any kind. haha
I'm really surprised your partner hasn't noticed any of your mug rugs. Your work is always cute and amazing for all the details you put into your projects.
I think you received so many comments on your egg because it is so out of the ordinary. So simple but so much fun.
The egg is cute but I prefer your UnBirthday Mug Rug. Love the details.
pick me, pick me!! I will be your mug rug partner! If the person you send to doesn't appreciate all the hard work you have put into your pieces, it's time to move on to someone who will (like me)
How frustrating! I kind of know the feeling: after I've sent off giveaways some people have not even bothered to say thank you. Your projects are so inspiring. I'd treasure a mug rug from you!
Poor Carol - it is frustrating when your partner refuses to comment. Chin up though - we all love your work.
Dang!!! I was really hoping I was your partner!
I'm having the same issue with my partner....silence!...for the DQS10. Oh well.... i just hope she likes what I send her.
Hi there, Saw you on Stash Manicure tonight. Your creations are just amazing!! I'm a new follower of your blog. Beautiful inspiration. :)
I love, love, love the un-birthday mug rug! I don't have any mug rugs yet (poor me), so if you'd like, you could make one for me in time for my birthday ... May 7 ... pretty please?!?
I just found your blog and had to become a follower! Those mug rugs are just all so cute!
Keep up the fantastic work and the creativity!!!
Well, slap that girl!!? Is it me? Nope, can't be because I have been commenting! This will be very interesting to see who she is!
I love your work, it is lovely but the egg mugrug, not so much! Would love to be your partner but please no egg mugrug. Enjoyed visiting your blog!
So I'm not your partner? I was thinking I was....
Partners are secret, no one knows who they are getting from, so that's why it's important to make comments on peoples' photos. And it probably hasn't been sent yet, once she gets it I'm sure she'll thank Carol. I mean, it's FAB, who wouldn't love to get it?
Carol, is she participating in the swap or one of the really invisible one? There are a few of those every time....
Regardless, EVERYONE else loves and admires your work. You know we love ya, right?
"The Lord has two homes: Heaven and a Grateful Heart". (Thomas S. Monson)
I would comment on them if I were the recipient. I comment on your stuff all the time. I LOVE your stuff. You are so talented and I LOVE your pallet of fabrics. You paint with fabric. I've decided that is my medium too.
Have you been over to my blog to see my most recent creation?
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