I thought I did a pretty good job, right? After all, I followed all the rules in her book about being sort of wonky and I used a scissors to cut all my fabrics and not a rotary cutter as I went along...........BUT.........apparently, a bit of ME snuck in there without me even realizing it. Do you see the white? Hello!! It seems to be my signature because I was informed that rarely does Malka use pure white in her quilts. Especially that style of quilt. SO...............I goofed! And, do you know what I say? Too bad! I like it! AND, so does my quilt shop because at this very moment, it is hanging in there to help sell the "stitch in color" line. (Not that it really needs any help, but my LQS has tons of fabrics and any little visual thing helps! I'm sure you get it.) So, I guess I'll have to make another one, only bigger next time! And do you know what? I'm thinking that the next one will have white in it too! So there!! I like white! And, apparently it's getting to be my signature......e-gads!!
On another note, I've still been having fun creating all the goofy stuff in my head and since I'm involved in another doll sized quilt swap, I can make them to my hearts content until I have to get serious and really create what my partner would (hopefully) cherish. I will tell you that she wants whimsey.........(don't you all jump up and down at once now, okay??) I have taken a different direction lately, I know, but who wants to do the same stuff all the time??????? I will get back there soon!! Promise! This time though, I might try to piece most of the stuff instead of fusing it. (A small challenge is good! I keep telling myself!) For now though, this is my latest project. I wanted to create an industrial setting. A downtown, if you will. First I drew it:
Then I got to work:
And I continued:
(You can click on the pictures to go to my Flickr and read the explanations on the bottom of the photos.)
As of this writing, I am still plugging away hand stitching all the windows down. What a thankless job! This wasn't my plan in the beginning, but once I started, I realized how much better it would look with all of them somewhat identical. I'm hoping I can finish them today. (Lord give me strength!! It's sooo boring!!!!) Right now, I'm thinking of a border in white (duh...hello???) I think it will make the white in the buildings pop! We'll see! Wish me luck! Until next time..............
I think you need a little white to punch things up. I have some of the 'Color' fabric and working a Delectable Mountain mini with it - so different, but love it. Good luck with all your hand stitching today.
Yikes! Once again, bowled over by your talent!!AMAZING!
I think the white really adds to a quilt in those colours. Guess you could do black but I love the white! Love the building especailly.
Woooaaah! The blanket (first picture) ist sooo great! I love it!
I just got my inspiration for my A Stitch In Color fabric. Thank you Carol. Your City Moon is glorious.
as always amazing works! s much energy in them! :D
Carol, you do such fantastic work! I am in awe everytime I pull up your blog and you have something new. So are so talented!
I really love this skyline piece its so colorful and you can just imagine the people inside looking out...
Carol, you certainly did not goof by using white. You made it your own and it really is fabulous. I love it.
I really like the style of things you are doing lately with the solids. This downtown piece shown today is really awesome.
Keep going, you are inspiring!
White is the perfect thing to showcase the beautiful colors in this fabric line. I suppose black would work....but white is so much cheerier.
Did you see the little face peeking out from your quilt? In the upper right there is a block where it looks like a little black fox with blue eyes is peering at you.
Iiiik - extra special wonderful work! I love the first quilt and I need also always at least a little bit white with other colours!
'The downtown' - I don't what to say - just fantastic and adorable fabric painting!
You are an artist!
x Teje
You make me giggle, Carol. Thanks. It is fun to sip my coffee and read blogs. Yours is always a delight. Had to comment about the city-scape. Love all the details!! It will be worth it. :)
Awesome, love them both!
I am always awed by your work!! Just love them.
Wooooo, I love the cityscape! I love how you showed the process cuz I want to try one. Seriously, I think you could write a book!
I still say it needs a black&white print in it...not a solid black. It's an awfully fun little quilt as is! Your cityscape is equally as fun. Have a grand time stitching windows. I bet you're already done as I type.
WOW! Both are fabulous--really likin' the skyline. Great stuff :-)
So happy to see a bit of you coming through....that's as it should be.
Keep that white coming and I adore your stitched windows;)
Wow. Just... wow.
As always, Carol, I absolutely adore your works and creativity! Clap my hands and Hooray for you!!!
Seems like a lot of creative people live in that city. Wonderful color on color. Very pleasing to the eyes! You might have to treat yourself to a manicure where they massage your hands after embroidering all the windows down. I can see this hanging in a museum - a work of Art!
Love the City quilt, very exciting!
But I love your Bright and cool quilt too. The white MAKES it, that occasional pop of white really brings the quilt to life. Definitely a keeper! I look forward to seein the larg one too. No doubt you'll knock it out in a trice, as always!
Oh my, that is a lot of windows to handstitch!! It's going to be fab though. I love your Malkaesque quilt and I think the white brings life to it - not that the other colours aren't lively, they are - the white just brings that little bit of something special to the whole. Besides you are quilting for you and you like white so you go girl!!
Wow! Love both. I thing the near-order of the Downtown piece appeals more to my need for order. Of course, if you saw my house right now, you would see my complete loss of order!
Your downtown quilt is fabulous! I love all of the colors. I do like your Stitch in Dye and the white too.
Absolutely stunning your are reaching new heights lol
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