1 set of potholders
17 mini abstracts
21 mug rugs
6 crayon quilts
19 bitty block sets (3.5" blocks-12 in a set) plus 3 sets of polaroids
36 pincushions which included 20 Christmas mice
9 lady quilts
4 placemats
25 doll sized quilts
1 lap size quilt
4 baby quilts
And some of my favorites.......remember that you can click on any of these pictures to see them bigger:
And a few mug rugs:
Now some bigger doll size quilts:
And bigger yet:
Whew! I hope I didn't bore you. There were more favorites than I thought! Some of them I did so early last year that I almost forgot about them. Which is your favorite?
Now I better get to work! I'm completely out of stuff that I can show you until February......I guess I work too far ahead sometimes! Tomorrow I need to work on my bitty block set....the theme for February is monsters and MINE is adorable! Just wait until you see him!!! Such fun I have here all by myself! lol Until later, my friends.........
Well, of course my favorite is my birthday quiltie. After that, there are so many I would say are a favorite...love the circles in the squares, love the city, love the Malka look-a-like...on and on. Wow, you done a whole buncha stuffs last year! VERY well done, Carol! So much candy to our eye sight.
I love your stuff so much. Always SO SO happy!
Thanks for being you, and for sharing it with all of us.
It has been great fun looking over your shoulder as you have worked on these projects all year. They all make me smile.
You have such a bright happy palette that it is almost impossible to pick a favorite.
Maybe the Stitch in Dye or perhaps Lotsa Dots or any of the ladies. Actually I think I like the tree, the crayons, the city scape.... Can't do it. Love them all. Thanks for sharing.
There's so much prettiness here!
Absolutely impossibe to pick one ..or even several, theya re all great!!
Your blog is never boring. You make so many fine things. I love the colors and the humor in your quilts.
I'm never bored with what you do. I always look forward to seeing your creativity.
I love every thing you do! Your talent is amazing! I wish I could do this...
What an amazing and colorful year. You are so inspiring.
I couldn't possibly pick a favorite - love everything you do!! This is the first time I've seen the Twin Quilts (last picture) - those are amazing also. Deborah
Love them all...
Thay are so fabuous Carol, just like you!
Thank you for sharing, some are my favorites some I don't remember seeing. It would be too hard to pick a favorite!
LOVE them ALL !
Can I just say that I LOVE your quilts? All of them are so bloody awesome!! Cannot pick a favourite but I must say that the little frog makes me laugh out loud..for a long time!!!
Thanks for sharing all of your creative loveliness during the year and for the recap reminder of how much I enjoyed seeing them.
What a busy lady you are! It is hard to pick favorites but I love the two blooming trees. There is such a lot of work in them! When I read that you made 19 bitty block SETS and that there are 12 in a set my jaw dropped. Wow! You are amazing! I used some of the fabric you gave me to make a Dots and Stripes 'thank you' dress last week. I did a little applique work on it. I posted it on my blog. Come by and check it out. Without you that dress wouldn't have happened!
Thank you for the fun review Carol! I always enjoy looking at your artwork!
I am in love with your bright, colourful and whimsy creations... thanks for sharing some of them again! When I have lost my mojo temporarily, I turn to your blog for a quick dose of inspiration!!!
What an amazing amount of work for only 1 year, Carol!! I thought how fun it was to see all the COLOR you have used this year. Lots of bright, happy colors...makes me smile.
Your creativity never ceases to amaze & inspire me.
Warm hugs,(you're gonna' need 'em)
Hi, Carol! Rosebud fixed the 'no reply' thing yesterday. I guess the replies will come to my email now. Anyway, I used another of your gifts for this week's PR&P challenge. I used one of the Michie patterns and that tape. The little suit is up on my blog. Thank you again for all the wonderful things you sent me this summer.
Whoa! You got heaps done! Well done! I think the button tree is my favourite!
Looking forward to seeing your monsters.....
Your designs are lovely and fun - they look wonderful!
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