Saturday, February 13, 2016

I am a Medical Mystery, I guess

If you have kept up with my former posts, you know that I have been having some medical issues.  Since I last visited with you, I have been in two hospitals, one rehab center, and have had numerous tests including 6 MRIs, 1 CT scan, 2 chest x-rays, an ECHO, 2 EMGs, I have no idea how many blood draws, (except I can tell you that they took 18 vials of blood in two days once,) a Spinal Tap, and finally a Bone Marrow draw and they still have no idea what is wrong with me.  I have had teams of doctors look at my case, led by 2 Associate professors of the Medical College of Wisconsin with their entourage following them.  Right now, I can only walk with a walker and even then, it is difficult.  I can no longer drive and haven't since December 2nd.  I feel like a recluse and cripple (which I guess I am).  Obviously, some nerves are being affected in my body, but by what, who knows?  They've got me on Gabapentin, but I know that is only a pain medicine for nerve pain and will help only so much.  Funny thing is that on November 17th I was just fine.......going to Target, grocery shopping and getting ready for the holidays.  Needless to say, I am not a happy girl!!!

On another note, my (up til now) wonderful MacBook Air, won't let me import photos, so even if I had made anything, I wouldn't be able to show you.  Since I've been home, I'm working on a pair of socks that I ripped apart when I left.  For some reason, I guess I couldn't concentrate on them and they were full of mistakes.  I did buy some really pretty yarn (pictures still in my camera) that I so wanted to show you......but I decided that since the former ripped apart socks were easy and shouldn't really take forever I'd do them first and try to get this goofy computer to work on the photo issue.  Hubby is going to try to help today with the Apple genius' too.  (Only they don't know it yet.  lol)

Only good thing that happened this past month is that I lost 8 more lbs making it a total of 63 lbs lost so far since last April 6th.  I think I'll go for 17 more and then be done.  By then I should be as skinny as my aerobic teacher sister and yoga teaching daughter.  lol

Hope you all are well and have had a better month than me.


Paulette said...

I am so sorry to hear you're having such mysterious health issues, Carol. I hope your doctors get to the bottom of it soon so you can be on the road to recovery. At least you are in one of the best places for care (I live about 60 miles northwest of you). My husband has dermatomyositis, which ran through my mind as I read this, as he had a lot of the same tests before he was diagnosed at UWH in Madison (he's fine now, btw). Anyway, I hope you feel better very soon!

Jean Campbell said...

Such a frightening thing to have going on! I am newly come to your blog and so admire the faces quilts --the one at lower right on your header looks like my Cousin Jackie.

Weight loss from an unknown medical condition is surely not a good thing. I hope a diagnosis and treatment is found for you soonest. In the meantime, I pray for comfort for you. said...

I'm truly feel for you. I wish medicine was a more exact science. I work in the medical field and see patients suffer and they don't have a name (diagnosis) to what is ailing them. It's frightening. Please don't give up, they just haven't found it YET. Have you been tested to see if you have an autoimmune disorder? I'm sure you have but I'm just thinking out loud. You're in my thoughts.

Leslie can't stop quilting said...

Carol 12 years ago after loosing so much weight and being so sick they finally figured out that I have Addison's loose the adrenal glands that produce the hormones that make everything in your body work. There are so many weird things happening out there. I sure hope they can figure it out for you!!! I know what you are going through is sooooo hard!!! I am so sorry!!!

Cissa K said...

Wishing you a quick diagnosis and an even quicker recovery. Take good care of yourself.

Leanne said...

Don't give up, I am pretty sure your doctors won't either, no one likes to be stumped by a medical mystery. I sure hope that you are better soon!

Shelina said...

I am so sorry for what you are going through. I do hope they figure out the medical mystery soon so you can be on your way to a quick recovery.

Amy Friend said...

Yikes, I am so sorry to hear this Carole. I hope that the doctors are able to figure things out soon. Like Leanne said, don't give up.

Brenda said...

So sorry to hear of your health issues. I trust it will be resolved soon. Take care!

kiwikid said...

I am sorry to hear you are a mystery to modern medical help!! I hope the drs can come up with something for you soon and you can be back to your old self.

Susan said...

Sending you big cyber hugs - I can imagine how frustrated and helpless you must feel - surely someone can work it out - maybe some fresh eyes...maybe clues from the comments about.
Funnily I was getting ready this morning I thought I'd email you to see how you were going - must the the cyberspace crystal ball working.

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

So sorry to hear about your medical problems and I hope that someone can figure it out soon or that it disappears as mysteriously as it showed up!

Createology said...

Carol Dear you are in my Prayers and Healing Energy and daily thoughts. I am sorry you have been through so much and without any plan of what is happening or how to fix YOU. May you have resolve very soon. Blessings...

Needled Mom said...

That has got to be beyond frustrating! I hope they can get to the bottom of it soon. Have they ruled out myelitis yet?

Christine S said...

So sorry to hear you're still struggling. I know how hard it is going through test after test with no answers. Same thing I've dealt with for 3 years. Hugs and best wishes for answers soon!!

deb said...

Prayers going out for you

ailsa said...

I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. It must be so frustrating not knowing what is wrong but at least they will have been able to rule out a lot of things with all the tests you've had. Here's hoping you won't have to suffer too much longer. Hope you get your computer sorted too, I miss seeing what you've been up to. Take care x

Peggy said...

I'm so sorry you're having all these troubles. I pray they find your problem soon so you can jog down the road to recovery. Please keep us informed, we really care and watch for your posts to see how you're doing. Prayers and best wishes being sent your way.

Aliceart said...

Thank you for the update. I have been checking in to see how you were, and was concerned that no news was bad news. Please know many are praying for you, and care about you. I know the dark moments and thoughts come sometimes, but you are strong enough to get through this to the other side...and you will. Sending many good thoughts your way.

Dru said...

I hate being one of those(!)ones, who offer suggestions, but here goes anyway :-) Have you checked any allergic reactions to the new carpeting and padding that you had installed a month before your symptoms started? Might just be grasping at straws here or maybe watching too many episodes of "House" from back in the day. Regardless, hope they find what ails you soon!

beachiesews said...

Hello Dear Carol...I hope and wish and pray that you have an answer to your mystery and a complete recovery! Sending my best wishes! Sue.

Ellyn said...

I'm so sorry to read this. praying for answers

suz said...

so sorry to hear you are still laid up - hopefully they will figure out what is going on very soon. Sending you prayers.

Unknown said...

I do hope you are feeling better, because you certainly make me feel better when I see the wonderful things you create. I am a textile teacher in England and as currently teaching some fabulous young students who have loved delving into your work, and gaining inspiration from you. I love living in England but so wish the big pond wasn't so big so that I could bring them over to meet you.
Mary Jenkins Southampton England.

Rettabug said...

You've been on my mind & in my prayers daily, Carol. I glad to read that you are now home but I sure wish the news was better as to what is going on with you. I wish I was closer & could lend you a hand.
Hang in there, Hon...maybe something will become clearer to your docs in the days ahead.


ProfessorJ said...

Have they checked you for Lyme disease? Pray you get better

ProfessorJ said...

I love your quilts! :-)

Mommarock said...

I think we may just be twins!! I am also on the lively Gabapentin,which seems to do nothing but give me nap time. I want answers to why my back is killing me. I hope you can get back to your beautiful work again. I think it is magical!!

Vee said...

Hi Carol,
I've just come across your BlogSpot, and glad I did. You mention your medical symptoms and the fact that no one knows what is wrong. Have they explored the fact that your may have PMR(polymyalgia rheumatic). I have a related condition (giant cell arteritis) and many of the people at the support group I belong to have PMR and their symptoms, and the fact that you were ok one minute and not the next, sounds very familiar. Everyone I know with PMR has had a long and difficult road to being diagnosed because it is a very rare condition in the UK. Hope this may help you in someway.

Bonnie said...

I haven't been reading blogs lately, but decided to check in on a few of my old "friends". I'm so sorry to hear about your medical issues. I have a pretty constant lower back pain, and no one seems to know what is causing. I have been told that I have polymyalgia rheumatic and take perdnasone, muscle relaxers and Tramadol for pain. I can't stand or walk for long periods of time. It hasn't gotten any better in the 2 years I have been taking the meds. Like you, my back xray is just fine and looks to be many years younger than I am. I don't have the oxygen issues you do, but do know about the tubing and walkers as my mom used both. I so hope you find the answers that you need. I have the envelope you sent me on the board in my office with my family pics and things. Think about you often.

Renuka DS said...

How are you, you have not been writing anything on your blog lately , sure all well