Today, I'll show you what I did yesterday. I think I told you that my mug rug partner doesn't like raw edge applique, right? Well, tough! Just cause she doesn't like it, doesn't mean I can make it, right? I mean, I don't have to give them to her.....I can give them to whoever I want! Who says I have to give up the whimsy of my life just because of one person? What was I thinking????
So, what do you think of this:
I must say I was thinking of the royal wedding. Her hat actually started off rather plain pink, but low and behold, pinned to my pincushion was two white flowers that I had planned for something else just sitting there staring at me, so wa-la, I added one to her hat and I think it just did the trick! She looks so much more whimsical now drinking her tea with her "pinkie" proper.
Then, I remembered that I had seen a pillow, or something with just plain flowers in solids with straight black stitching, probably on Flickr a long time ago. (I do tend to jump around a bit and get lost in Flickr on occasion and get ideas and then wonder where they come from.) I thought I'd try it:
Looks a bit Norwegian to me but I think it's because of the bright clean solid colors and plain design. ('Course I'm not Norwegian, so what do I know???)
So, that's it! Not very exciting, I know. Sorry about that! I can't sew all the time. In fact today I think I will clean some stuff out of my basement. I have tons of smocking stuff I'll probably never use again, so it's time to donate it to (hopefully) someone who can use it. Have a great day, my friends!!
Love the hat. If only Princes Eugenie (or was it Beatrice) had worn this style of hat to the royal wedding.
Good Morning Carol! These are just fabulous. I love the frog! She's very regal looking with her fascinating Fascinator. (That's what they call those silly hats! I learned that while watching the wedding. I got to watch it!! Remember I said I'd be travelling that day and was bummed I'd miss it? Travelling was post poned to the next day. By the end of the day I got tired of the royal wedding.)
I just took up smocking, and I love donations! Just sayin'!! ;)
Love, love, love the pinkie-proper froggie.
I love both of these!
Love both! As I loved your cat! Don't be discouraged that it didn't sell. Just keep up the making of these wonderful works of art and they WILL sell. They are too wonderful not too. I'm putting today's post on my facebook page. Somebody somewhere is looking for this frog, and maybe the cat too. Keep on keepin' on (and send hubby to the deli for
Mary Ann
You keep on being true to yourself, it's what makes you 'YOU'! they are both so very you! Good luck with the sorting out :) (perhaps I should take a leaf out of your book!)
Carol -
LOVE the "proper" froggie - she's super cute! Of course, I love all of your stuff. :)
Remember when you told me to use quality fabric in my projects? Now I can... I got a job at a fabric distributor! How PERFECT is that?!
Have a wonderful day and keep doing what you do - the rest of us who follow your blog love it!
Both are adorable!
Do grottoes drink green tea?
Do what makes you happy - that's my new motto. I have to do what comes out of me or it's no good. Love Miss Froggie - she's so prim and proper. I also like the straight stitch flowers very much - no fuss, but tres elegante.
Hugs - Marie
I love "your style". I smile every time I see something you have made. I love the frog and her hat!!Good luck in the basement. So much cleaning to do--where to start?
I love "your style". I smile every time I see something you have made. I love the frog and her hat!!Good luck in the basement. So much cleaning to do--where to start?
No one bought the cat? I'm surprised. My sister and I had both sent this blog post to each other saying "You can buy me this" Actually I do intend to acquire a piece of your art one of these days. Maybe a custom one. I love the froggie!
My husband and I both laughed over the Fastinator. We did't watch the wedding but these funny (I like them) little "hats" were at the Derby too! Toni
Love the pinky proper and the flower does just make the hat! Follow your own mojo and be happy.
Love the frog! Love the cat too, just can't afford to treat myself right now!!
Love the flower!!
I would love the have her at my home,( if your partner dosent like her , I do, I toadally do LOL
Have a great day
I like that you think of Norway as clean, bright and pure. And you're right! Nothing like the lovely smell in the air after a rainshower in a warm summers evening :o) You should try it! Love your rugs - and the cat with the birds :o)
I am new to this blogging but have to let you know that I can't help but smile when I look at your work and I truly believe that you have to do what makes you happy and be darned with the rest.
I think the frog needs one more small addition - a "minnie pearl" tag hanging off her hat!
I really like the second mug rug. I like the colors and the simplicity of the design. No more smocking?? How about I send you my girls' sizes and you give it a go just one more time ;)
hahhah!! The green frog princess is soooo cute!! I hope your swap partner likes it! So cute! :)
The Norwegian mug rug is adorable. I'd be afraid to put a mug on it because it might get stained. I'd just put it out so people could admire it and then probably yell at them if they dared to use it. LOL
Carol - the frog is hysterical - I'm thinking Annie of Adventures in Oz better not see it or she will be beating down your door!
I love that you are doing what makes you smile again!
Those are both great, Carol. The froggy pinky is the best! I agree, your flower design is indeed very Scandanavian and I LOVE it. This could be a whole new direction for you!
She is wonderful!! Just so prim and proper! I love the pinkie!!
Love both the mug rugs and the cat quilt......if it was in my budget I would have already snatched the cat quilty is so adorable.....don't lose heart, I am sure someone will come along who has the funds and snatch it up soon..... I just love all your whimsy! And if your mug rug partner don't like the frog, she can forward it on to me! Have a great day....
Loved your cat and bird.. I love everything you do. For me it is just a money thing. Right now money is so tight. We are saving up for my DDs wedding.. yikes!! Can't believe my babies are getting that old!
Love Miss Froggy - very regal and especially the little whisps of steam that rise so delicately from her cup!! And your Norweigan flowers are also gorgeous. Anything you do is exciting!
Oh I happen to see a frog this morning while walking the buglets, it was wearing that hat...she gets around wink...
love her
Such cute creations...very YOU!
The little miss froggie is sew cute and the flowers are adorable!
Great job! Thanks for sharing. :)
I wonder if maybe the cat didn't sell because your blog visitors are crafty people, and certainly I only buy crafted things I can't make (wooden or knitted, or cooked) I admire, and lust after fabric creations, but can't let myself buy them as I *could* make them (even if I can't really*)
As for the Norwegian flowers, I'm not familiar with the style, but if it helps, I love them, and I am Norwegian!!!
So funny! I totally understand making things that aren't my style just because someone else might like it. I've made a couple of quilts in the "modern" style (you know, geometrics and wild colors)just because and I really don't like them, so I'm going back to my own style!
I love Ms. Froggie! The flowered hat is charming ... but the "pinkie" is just the perfect touch! Love the binding, too ... really sets it off!
I also liked the cat with bird as both had the cutest expressions!
I love that sweet frog and the flower on the hat is 'must'! Cup of tea with steam lines is great!
Thank you again for a smile on my face!
Sunny wishes!
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