And then remember that I made a slew of them for friends:
Well, how do you think I felt today when a friend mailed me a link to a DIY project that I NEVER approved:
They even used the name I gave it! And then, on top of that........look how many people posted it on their pinterest as being by DIY:
So now what? I do not have a pinterest account, although I did report this to pinterest! As far as DIY....I haven't a clue how to handle that mess. I am really outraged! I have said on this blog that you may copy my work, but I at least expected that someone would make their own quilt for your own use, not for someone to use my photo to sell to DIY!
It does lead to pinterest where the pin is linked to your own image on Flickr.
They aren't claiming it is their idea, rather it is a good idea they want to try.
Not sure if Flickr has a setting to not let people pin your images, but it is eventually credited to you.
I am so sorry that your work is being misrepresented. The original posty on DIY still linked to your name but some one pinned it again giving credit to DIY. Thats sloppy pinning or deliberate misrepresentation. Such is how people use the internet. Not giving credit where credit is due.
Just another reason why I don't like pinterest or use it.
Maybe you could watermark your photos. Your URL or name could be overlayed of the photo. I'm not sure what that method is called or how it's done but I have seen more and more people doing it. Good Luck.
Sorry to hear that Carol. Some people are amazing! And they didn't even give you credit for it. I don't even look at pinterest!
I agree with andrea_r - that site seems to be an aggregator for images. The pinned image is your original Flickr photo. I suspect those who changed the title to say it was from DIY weren't deliberately misinterpreting, but I suppose it's possible. I would highly, highly recommend watermarking your photos. That way even images that are pinned will always show they belong to you.
This is exactly why I have added a watermark to all my photos. I know it is a pain and can ruin the look of a picture but it's helpful in avoiding misrepresentation.
I'm so sorry that your wonderful pattern was stolen by another. A while back a blogger was talking about people doing just that and one way to help protect is to use the page break on your blogs so people can't as easily pilfer your pictures, patterns, etc. Also to put a copyright or watermark on all pictures, etc.
It's so sad about how a few dishonest persons can ruin so much for all the honest ones out there.
Flickr has a setting that prevents people from pinning your images. Although it does link back to your Flickr page, so it doesn't look like someone copied your design but rather pinned your design as something they wanted to try themselves. What you might try is asking the original pinner to change the URL of the pin to your blog URL so that it works as free advertising and leads people directly to your blog.
Ugh! I am so sympathetic--last year a tutorial I published on my blog was stolen and sold by someone as a class on Craftsy. Whether or not the people pinning your image linked back to you, the Pinterest Terms of Service say that users are ONLY supposed to pin images for which they own the copyright or have permission from the owner. It's nice if people like your work, but they still shouldn't be pinning it without explicit permission from you.
Just when people seem to start understanding that anything they find online isn't free to steal, sites pop up that seem to encourage theft of intellectual property. Grmble, grumble.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here - let's go back a few years ago to when I discovered Pinterest. I promptly set up my categories and went pinning crazy. I never knew nor thought twice about what I was pinning or where it came from. That lasted a couple of months - and I finally figured out, "hey, maybe I should say where this came from." I regret doing that - and would never intentionally do it again. Is there any chance this individual did this mistakenly? I am sorry tho - and hope you won't stop blogging. Your things are just adorable and I always look forward to reading your blog.
Oh my goodness Carol! That is terrible! The cheek of some people. I do hope you get it sorted x
I don't like Pininterest or whatever its called for this reason. This suxs Carol!
So sorry that someone has hijacked your lovely work! You can fix your blog where your pics cannot be pinned. I don't know about flikr. And please don't stop sharing your lovely work because of this...your blog is so full of inspiration.
I would be so P.O'd (I think you will know what that means!) and frustrated. How awful for you! There are malicious people out there and there are stupid people out there. I'm so sorry that you have run across, sounds like, both. Toni
How awful for you! Some people just don't get it that there is intellectual copyright. Hopefully you can put some safeguards in place that will prevent this happening again.
If "YOU" post's out there. I use pinterest and tumblr to store all kinds of things, as do millions of other people. Because it's portable, accessable and the best thing since sliced bread. I can view things on my phone on other computers besides my own. It's a convenience that is second to none. It's very nieve to think anyone can control anything posted on a blog or anything else.
I can`t remember if I posted your particular snow man....but I DID MAKE SEVERAL not exactly as yours, but similar. If you didn`t want anyone to copy your design why did you post the original picture anyway. I gave all of the snowmen away over xmas and they were well received. At no time did I ever suggested that it was an original design. It`s not the first thing I copied and it won`t be the last.
So sorry the hear that this has happened. I know many here don't like Pinterest...just for this reason. I must admit, I DO use it and I look and I re-pin but I always check to be sure whatever I'm pinning links back to the original blog, tho I'm sure I've missed a few. I pin for MY EYES - to help me remember the wonderful things I've gosh, I found YOU Carol because of it (oops, maybe you didn't want to hear that? lol)...and it was a HAPPY DAY when I discovered your blog. I have found so many interesting blogs that I would have never known existed...and I'm inspired...and if I want to refer to an image..I always write to the designer to ask permission....that's the way it should be I think...unfortunately not everyone thinks that way it appears. I hope this works out.
i`ve just looked through your flikr pics....Why haven`t you published a book of your designs. they are gorgeous. Most books that have gotten published lately have nothing on your designs.
I'm so sorry. I love your designs and always look forward to your posts. I know I'll find a wonderful picture that I hope to copy (for my own use) some day. This link might be of some help:
Sobre el funcionamiento de Pinterest y Flickr ya te han informado pero sobre el otro blog... es importante que no pongas el enlace al otro blog porque es un blog con publicidad, eso quiere decir que cada vez que alguien vaya ahí su propietario cobra dinero y sin quererlo estás haciendo que gane más dinero.
On the operation of Pinterest and Flickr as you have reported but on the other blog ... is important not to put the link to another blog that is a blog with advertising, that means that every time someone goes there his own money and unwittingly becomes're doing to win more money.
This kind of thing really makes me crazy! You post a beautiful project to inspire others, and some creep feels a need to steal it to make a few bucks! Unbelievable! There is no end to the gall of some people! I'm so sorry! And I hope you will watermark your pictures to ensure there is no chance of them stealing your wonderful ideas again. Argh! I'd be livid!
Pinterest is just an electronic bulletin board where you "pin" ideas for inspiration, much like cutting something out of a magazine and putting it on the refrigerator. Of course the difference is is that thousands see if not just family or friends I've never interpreted it as being the work of the pinner but someone that LOVES and appreciates the work and of someone else and want to use it as inspiration in the future. I always click back to the original to see whose work it was or where it originated from.
I think it was an honest 'mistake'. The pins on Pinterest have received comments that include the link to YOUR blog now.
Though it's disturbing that the DIY site has no identifying information about who is posting, it really does seem a case of "Oooh, super cute! I must try this!" rather than "Look what I did!".
You can leave a comment at the DIY place providing a link to your blog post and giving them the proper attribution. Unless they're intentionally being dishonest and delete your comment, the info will be there and your design will be properly labelled.
My son is a graphic artist who for many years worked for a popular Scrapbook company. His work is so distinctive we could and still can pick his work out. I did when someone produced an "original" that was advertised in a magazine of all things, that looked very much like my sons work.
I asked him about it and how he felt when this happened. "We keep my work like Fort Knox until it is published and after that we can not worry about it because if we did we would be chasing windmills all the time. I just have to get over it and come up with a new idea four quarters a year.
This is my suggestion. Get over it and move on with the beautiful work you always do.
Are you made about Pinterest, or about the person whole stole your image and reposted it on their site? Because even if you made the images on your blog unpinnable and put a "do not pin" statement, I don't think it would have stopped the person who posted the image on their site...or the people who pinned it from there, not knowing the original source.
I had pictures from my blog stolen by a quilt shop for their own blog a couple of months ago. Those were promptly taken down after I emailed and asked them to either take them down or give me credit.
I've also had my story of my missing engagement earring stolen and used on a foreign jewelry site... it happens, and I don't think there's much we can do about it unless we stop posting anything anywhere... sigh...
Watermarking with your URL or blog name would probably help. I've decided to just hope for the best.
That is horrible! I poked around the DIY sight and they appear to have several quilts and project that I have seen elsewhere. Really bad. Sorry!!
I've left them a message saying it's wrong tha tthey're posting these pictures without even a link to the original project, making it look like they made them. I'll see if I get a reply...
I got knocked off of Blogger because someone thought my cardinal (a doll quilt paper pieced by me of a pattern that didn't look anything like a cardinal) was ripped off from Printerest. They complained after I deleted their comment - no way to address their comment. I had to reason with Blogger - tell them to look it up on my blog as to how I made it and all by myself - and the timing. They finally apologized, but it took many hours to get back onto my blog. I hate Printrest and do not go there - afraid I'll find something else that someone else is claiming as theirs.
I'm sorry this happened to you, too. If only folks would ask first. (Did the school ask first to use your design? That should have been part of the lesson taught.)
I really think that person should be knocked off of Printrest. I think that would be an appropriate punishment.
Carol, you are an original. Your projects are distinctly *YOU* and you know I've told you that MANY times. I really do believe the posting of your snowmen was not done maliciously or an attempt to steal your design. I may be naive but rather than let this upset you, take it as a compliment. You will continue to create unique designs and as prolific a quilter as you are, no one could keep up with you if their intent was to steal all your designs. My daughter is a professional photographer and she Says WATERMARK your photos and all is well. I don't create anything worth watermarking but if I did I would watermark.
Think about the tragedy in CT and put all this in perspective as I have had to do lately. You are blessed with a real gift for design and sewing. Be grateful for your gift, watermark your photos, and hopefully continue to create items for those of us not so creative to use as inspiration. Consider the whole situation as a bump in the road, then go hug your family. Begin 2013 with JOY and SMILE. You are one of my top 5 favorite blogs.
Happy New Year!
Gmama Jane
so sorry someone thoughtlessly displayed your work with out giving credit back to you. Your creations are unique and wonderful. Keep making and doing what you love please - we get so much pleasure from reading your blog and seeing the lovely things you create! Wishing you peace, happiness and health in 2013 Carol and swiftly flowing creative juices of course!! :0)
Love your work! Thanks for sharing it with us and being generous in saying we can "copy" your ideas. Of course, I never get around to it but I like knowing that I can. And I like looking at your photos. I like the suggestion above of watermarking.
Don't be upset, there is no tutorial, nobody is taking credit for your snowmen. Be flattered that your work is copied because it is that Good, and good it is. I saw a similar snowman on a greeting card, just not made out of fabric, and I'm positive you did not lift it.
It's simply the case of repining and the true credit was inadvertently omitted. Your talent in widely known by your followers, rest assured that "we" know your true talent!
If you are so inclined and want to clarify your original status, make a pattern/ tutorial and it will always be linked back to you, and in this manner your blog receives all the hits that it deserves for your original pattern--Identity solved--so please redirect the traffic to your blog with a Happy-Winter tutorial. Smile and keep creating, we love your work and appreciate your blog.
Provide a tutorial and Happy Winter will be linked to your blog with your name, problem solved.
Happy Winter Quilting.
Happy New year Carol. I feel for you, this is not nice. Your designs are so brilliant and original, I am not surprised you are copied but the least would be to ask permission first. I hope you manage to find a way to get credit for it. Keep creating, I am sure we will see lots of amazing new things on your blog in this new year.
So sorry this happened.
Pinterest is simply a place for great ideas. Nobody sells anything. And it's linked back to your actual picture
I found your blog through Pinterest. I bet many of your followers came from Pinterest as well. Your quilt images constantly pop up on Pinterest. Your work is greatly admired and shared by quilters all over the world. One pinner even added this to her pins "mamacjt, you are the best!"
I use Pinterest as a way to save Favorite Sites, to share my latest projects, and for inspiration. The photos make it easier to remember why I saved the site in the first place.
It's too bad that some people feel a need to judge a website before they have tried it.
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