The drawing:
And Lisa:
Her pretty green eyes:
And lastly........Lisa with herself:
So there! I guess you could say that I'm officially back for awhile.......back to creating ladies if any of you would like to see yourself in fabric! I'm thinking that I can do this for all of October and November (unless you guys overwhelm me). Each quilt wall hanging is approximately 14x18 and includes a hanging sleeve and O ring all ready for hanging. The cost is $100 and includes shipping (much easier this way than figuring everything out afterwards.) My e-mail information is on my sidebar if you are interested. Usually, I need a picture, and/or information on haircolor, eye color, and any interesting information you care to include. If you remember the past ladies, many have had specific requests. (Remember the one with the butterfly in her hair??) Payment can be made with Paypal, or if US residents, personal checks or money orders. So, there you have it! Incidentally, Lisa is #20 on the hit parade list. Will you be lucky #21?
I love all your ladies in the series!
Lisa looks wonderful in fabric! Here's a fun idea: You know how you walk the busness halls such as a hospital, for example, and they have all the portraits of the important head staffers and such. Would those portraits be ever so much more fun and interesting if they were fabric portraits! How about the White House with fabric portraits of all the presidents! Can you just visualize that wall? hahaha
I love my "lady". It hangs above where I sew! She will always have Brown hair, even after I finally let my hair go gray. Thanks again for making her for me. Lisa looks happy to have herself done in Fabrics.
Glad you are doing this series again! I love seeing your fabric ladies!
I am on my iPad at the moment so can't email you but will as soon as I get to a computer. I may have just found my xmas present :) talk soon :)
I just love your work and Lisa is another awesome one too.
If I had the extra money I would for sure give you a holler. That would be such fun to have something like that in my home. Maybe someday, but for now I'll keep admiring your awesome work.
Love it!
I LOVE LOVE my Lady #19!!! It is one of my treasured keepsakes and my girls are fighting over who gets her when I die!! She goes with me places and this past Sept. she hung as decoration in the Home Living House for our local County Fair!! It took folks a minute to realize it was ME!! LOL it was so funny to see peoples' reaction? I told them a kind talented lady Named mamaCJT made it for me. I didn't give them your info since you had said you were all "ladied' out but if you wish I will tell a few who wanted to have one made.
Fall Blessings
Fall Blessings
Gmama Jane
I remember the one with the butterfly in her hair yep I sure do! she hangs above my sewing desk where she will remain reminding me of being this age forever. I love her to bits.
Que lindo! Maravilhoso!!
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